Demons Are Real :25

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~I woke up to find myself in a room of darkness. A slight breeze wimped across my face, but it was a warm breeze that sent a shiver down my spine in pleasure. It felt reassuring some how, like I've felt it before.

"Haru." Whispered the wind. The scent in the air changed, it smelt like freshly spilt blood. "Haru, do you know who I am?" Asked the wind as it began to tingle my skin with anticipation.

"No, but where am I? And who are you? How'd I get here?" I asked to the wind. But no words came out, only a cold whirl wind.

"I see, so you have truly forgotten about me. That is good in a way, I suppose." Cooed the wind softly in what seemed like a disappointed tone. "You are in the deepest part of your mind. The beginning of all fears and courage. A place between life and death, night and day." Explained the wind.

"But why have I been brought here?! Who are you?!" I shouted in disarray. The cold whirl wind grew bigger than before, erasing all the darkness and replaced it with pure white walls and the once warm breeze turned into a blazing gust.

"I have not brought you here, you failed to listen to your master and rest. And who I am is no concern of yours." Huffed the gust of excruciating heat. "But I will tell you this; beware of the Dragon of Shadows, he wishes to seek his angers out on you." Whispered the voice as the hot, sticky air just disappeared. What was left was an air colder then the tundra of the North Mountains.

•As suddenly as I got to this place, I left it. I opened my eyes to find a collapsed girl on my chest and an angered Rogue sitting by side the girl.

"What happened?" I asked groggily as I sat up, the pain in the palms of my hands burned as if they were on fire. I shouted as the burning increased. The girl on my chest shot up, it was....

"Haru! Are you okay!? Where does it..." She couldn't finish as she fainted. Rogue caught her. I couldn't speak, I was utterly shocked.

"You should thank her, she just saved your life." Rogue spat with more venom than a cobra as he took her away into the shadows.

"Why would she of all people be here? And why would she save my life?" I asked myself aloud as I fell onto the pillow and entered the grand possibility of sleep.


Hidden within the shadows, Rogue brought Natsume back to her room so she could rest. She had wasted too much emotional and magical energy in one day. When he arrived into her dark but surprisingly warm room , he placed her gently inbetween her ebony colored sheets. He noticed some strands of her white hair dangling in her face so he gently moved it. In her sleep Natsume grabbed his hand and held it graciously.

"mmm.... So warm...." She mumbled as she let go and turned her body to face the opposite direction of Rogues' slightly blushed face.

He shook his head as his faint pink blush disappeared. 'I can't. . . But. . . . Why do I feel so attracted to her so suddenly? Could it be these memories?' Rogue asked himself as he just stared ather peaceful sleeping face. A voice then entered his head, probably his consciences. 'It's not the memories. The memories have only amplified your admiration to a strong love. But sadly you can not love her. She will leave and never return to human sights again, also her life will surely out live you by hundreds or even thousands of years.' At hearing this, Rogues' heart felt as though it had been stabbed by a sharp blade. He had to leave before anyone had the chance to see him here, he slowly walked to the door, trying not to turn around. Failing to do so, he stole one last glance at her sleeping figure as he closed the door. As he turned around to leave he meet an unsuspecting figure that he really wished wasn't there.

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