The Untold Meeting: 18

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-Kage and Haru were glaring at each other intensely then Kage decided to looked away.

"I can see that your really pissed at me. How 'bout I tell you something that not even Fang knows?" Kage asked as she sat down patting the grass beside her.

-Haru sighed as he sat next to Kage, he knew he couldn't stay mad at her.

"Alright. You did promise to tell me more about you. But what doesn't that dog know about you, I mean, he grew up with you." Haru mumbled with a childish pout.

"Well. What I'm going to tell you isn't about me." Kage smiled as she turned to face Haru.

"What do you mean? Who's it about then?" he asked.

"Well it's the story of how my Mother and old man met. My old man told me this story when I was sick with a high fever, I was still a kid but I remember like it was just yesterday." Kage said out loud in thought as she began her story.

=========Flash Back=======

-------------Kages POV--------

~I was about 6 or 7 in human years when I got sick for the first time. My dad was taking care of me, he stayed by my side until I felt better.

"Hey daddy?" I asked cutely.

"Yes sweetie. Did you need something?" He asked softly. I shook my head and he gave me a questioning look as my eyes changed from golden to crimson.

"Can you tell me about the time you and mommy met? You don't really talk about her, so I just wanted to know. If that's okay?" I asked and sneezed after. He gave me a warm smile as he sat next to me on my bed.

"It's fine Sume. I'd be glad to tell you." He said as he began his tale.

<<<<Double Flash Back>>>>

~~~~~~Conan's POV~~~~~~

_It was a dark, cloudy night. I was alone patrolling the area for any Dragons that might still be around. I was in my demon form at the time, so I could attack more easily. But as I was finishing my rounds I heard someone singing. I followed the sound as I heard thunder in the distance.

'I think it's going to rain. I have a good feeling though, strange.' I thought to myself as I shrugged of the thought then I found where the singing was coming from.

_Thats when I saw the most beautiful maiden singing with her angelic voice. She had flowing snow white hair that was long and slightly blown by the wind. Her scent was comforting and intoxicating at the same time. She smelled of roses in full bloom covered in the richest honey. I was so endeared by her sent I didn't noticed she stopped singing to look where I was hiding.

"You can come out. I know where you hide within the darkness, Crimson Shadow." She giggled as her gorgeous ocean blue eyes stared directly in to my crimson ones.

_I shook away my thoughts as I slowly came out of the darkness and growled lowly as I glared at her. I could already tell she was of Dragon Royalty by the way she's dressed and how her pupils were slits.

"Do not fear Crimson Shadow. I may be a Dragon but I am not an enemy." she cooed as her eyes softened.

_I couldn't help but melt into those beautiful eyes. It was like she had me in a spell, but I knew she didn't.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked as I sat down{still in wolf form}.

"If I meant you any harm would I have already started battle with you? Or would I have changed into my Dragon form? Worry not, I wish for peace between our races. Not this bloody war that my father wishes to continue." She asked at the beginning then pouted cutely as she walked my way.

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