Conflict and Reactions :14

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-----------Harus' POV------

~~As we were walking through the forest Kage fell asleep so I carried her on my back.

'She must have used a lot of energy...... I hope she'll be alright.' I thought as we came to a clearing, I decided to rest there for a little. I gently placed her against a tree and then sat down in front of her.

'Her wounds are almost healed. That's a relief...... Ever since Kage bite me I've felt stronger..... but I also feel less human. I can see way more clearer, my hearing is extremely sensitive, and I can smell everything; especially Kages blood, it's attacking my nose.' I thought to myself as I stared off into the swaying grass.

~~I noticed the sun was slowly raising, it was definitely past dawn, that's about the time I heard a light groan.

"Ahh what time is it?" Groaned a tired Kage.

"I'd say it's almost 8." I replied with a grin. She grinned back but then winced in pain.

"That son of a bitch really got me.... Thank Kami it was only my lungs." Kage said with a pained smirk as she held her wound.

"What do you mean only your lungs?!" I shouted in worry and surprise.

"Ohh that's right I haven't told you yet.... Or anyone for that matter.... Come here." She said, I nodded as I moved closer to her. Surprisingly she pulled my head near her chest.

"What are you doing!?" I asked nervously as a shade of crimson grew on my face.

"Just listen." Kage whispered. I tried calming my thoughts as I heard a strange sound from within her chest.

"What is that? Is that your heart?"

"Something like that. Since I'm a hybrid of both a Dragon and a Demon, my heart is unstable, if that bastard would've stabbed my 'heart' I would've died." She whispered in a monotone.

~~I don't know what came over me but my instincts told me to comfort her. So I gave her a warm embrace, she was surprised and weirdly enough so was I.

"I wouldn't let you die, I'd do anything to help keep you by my side. You gave me this wonderful gift, so I want to share this gift with you and only you." I cooed in a calm yet surprisingly loving tone. But after a few seconds she returned the embrace.

"Thank you Haru.... You really are a kind person.... That's why I don't deserve having you as a friend. I didn't give you a gift it's a curse that all Dragon Slayers have when they meet me. It's bad enough that the others are affected but you.... I can't believe how stupid I was to drag you into this mess, I'm sorry." Kage sobbed as her grip on my shirt tightened. She was trembling so I held her even tighter.

"Don't blame yourself, it was my choice to have this curse. But honestly I don't see this as a curse or a burden I see it as a fresh start in my life, and for that I'm thankful."

~~She stopped sobbing enough to look at me, he had a slight blush on her face..... Aww she's soo cute!!!

"Do you really mean that?" She asked, I smiled and ruffled her hair a little.

"Of course I mean that. I wouldn't dream of lying to you."

~~She grinned and wiped some of her stray tears then stood up.

'Wait a second.... Kage wouldn't cry and if she did it wouldn't be in front of anyone.' I narrowed my eyes as I glared at the person in front of me.

"Who are you? You're not Kage?" I growled.

~The girl in front of me looked surprised then her eyes softened.

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