Demon Personality :8

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~~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~

______Rogues' POV_____

-- I woke up to find the Princess still asleep. I slowly got up, trying not to wake her. I succeeded and went into the kitchen to cook breakfast.

'What was it Fang told me to make?' I thought as I stood in the kitchen staring at the stove.

"Oh that's right!" I said aloud as I remembered it was cut fruit and lemon water.

--I grabbed the fruit, a knife and other things I needed, then started my task. As I was in the middle of finishing I heard a yawn from the room. 'The Princess must be up.'

"Rogue where are you?" The Princess called tiredly from the living room.

"I'm in he kitchen. Come and eat." I replied setting the bowl of fruit on the table. She lazily walked into the kitchen and sat down.

"Good morning Rogue.... You know for a Shadow Dragon you sure wake up early, it's like 6 in the morning." Natsume yawned as she ate her food.

"That's true but I'm used to waking up early to cook breakfast for Sting and the Exceeds. If Sting were to cook the house would probably be burned to ashes." I chuckled as I sat down across from her on the table.

"I'm the same way. Fang and my father always cooked for me." She replied with a sad smile. "But I wanted to ask you a question?" Natsume asked as she finished her food.

"What is it?" I asked.

"How did it feel to kill your Dragon?" Natsume asked as her eyes changed from yellow to black.

~~I was startled for a moment but then realized her 'Demonic' side had taken control of her.

"It was the worst experience that I never want to go through again. Just remembering his sad smile as he died haunts me. I regret what I did but I also feel relieved. If I hadn't ended his life; he would have suffered until he took his last breath." I stated as his smile flashed inside my mind.

"Oh I thought it would be a better story. Like with action and triumph; not a sad depressing story. But it can't be helped now." She said as an evil smile crossed her once sincere face.

"Why did you want to know how I felt when I killed Skiadrum?" I asked with a monotone.

"No reason. I just wanted to know, and it explains why you don't show much emotion... You know I feel bad for you, killing someone you loved must have been the hardest thing you ever had to do." Natsume said pretending to feel sorry for me. While she laughed in a demonic and evil way.

~~I got agitated by that, but there is nothing I can do about it. I don't really understand her; when Natsume is her normal self she's kind, strong, corky and fun to be around, but when her 'demonic' side takes over she's the essence of cold hearted and cruel.

"Don't take my words too personally. I just love feeding off the negative emotions of others. It's like an intoxicating ecstasy that drives my nerves into a freenzy." She explained happily with a tone of pleasure.

"I appreciate the consideration but you would have got that information from me by using your ability." I stated staring at her with hard eyes.

"True. But that puts too much strain on my mind and body, so I tend not to use it." She replied with darkness leaking from her voice.

"I see. So what would you like to do? Fang asked me not to let you leave the hotel room."

"Boring!..... I don't know there's not much to do here." Natsume pouted, quickly changing her demeanor.

"Well I'm going to read." I said as I pulled out a book.

"Reading is boring. Plus I can't read the words on the pages. I was only taught to read and write Latin; it's the language that binds the Demons native tongue to its culture." Natsume said as she walked back to the room and fell back asleep.

~~I didn't care much but I was curious if she'd wake up to her usual self.


----------In the guild of Fairy Tail----------

"The guild is as lively as usual. Especially after what happened yesterday." Lucy muttered to herself while sipping at her favorite strawberry milkshake.

"What did ya say Luce?" Natsu asked as he ate away at his food.

"Nothing, just talking to myself about how the weather is." She lied as she glanced at him.

--He just shrugged it off as he hungrily swallowed his daily feast of a breakfast. Erza had recovered quickly and was told about what had happened to Natsume. She didn't blame her, she was just grateful that the Wolf Demon was alright. Erza was also surprised to hear that Natsume was actually the Dragon Princess. Other than that, everyone was perfectly fine and had forgiven about what Natsume did. Lucy was still angered at the Wolf Demon for how badly she injured Erza. And the fact that she can control the minds and actions of the Dragon Slayers agitated her even more.

~~'I can't believe everyone can just let what that monster did to Erza go! And she can control Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus, and Wendy! She should be arrested and rot in prison for being a threat to everyone!... But for now I have to think of a way to protect my namaka from that beast.' Lucy thought as she stared out into space with a straight face.

--Little did they know mercenaries were watching their every move by the means of a looking sphere.

----------Somewhere Far Away--------------

"Hey Ryoku how are we supposed to make that Princess do what we want? She could probably take us both down without breaking a sweat!" groaned a child as he looked to the meditating man across from him.

"That might be true Haru but we can force her into doing what we want. Just like how a human can tame a beast; we will do the same thing to the Demon girl." Ryoku replied, not breaking his concentration.

--Haru sighed impatiently loud as he dropped onto he floor.

"That'll take too long! Can't we just kill everyone in that obnoxiously annoying guild and call it a day, I'm getting bored." Haru huffed in frustration as he tapped his fingers on the ground.

"No. The beast within that child will appear and hunt us mercilessly like a wolf hunts prey. And that will not be a very clean outcome for the both of us." Ryoku stated as he opened his eyes to see Haru asleep.

--He sighed softly as he picked up the sleeping child and placed him on his bed.

"Patience is something you always lacked." Ryoku whispered as he gazed upon the childs' sleeping form.


-Natsumes' dark side is evil but will the Wolf Demon let her true form replace her true self??

-How will the mercenaries convince Natsume into doing as they tell her??

-What hidden intentions do the mercenaries have for the Dragon Princess??

Continue reading 'The Demon Within A Fairy Tail' to find out.....


[A/N]. Sorry for the late update but I wax busy with ALOT of stuff to do............ But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter😊😊.
Edited as of 3/2/15


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