Battle of the Warriors :6

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--After Fang and Natsume left Crime Sorcière they went to the room and flopped onto the bed, face first.

"I'm soooo exhausted!! How 'bout you Fang?" Natsume asked as she turned her head to meet Fangs azure eyes.

"Yes, I am. You are pretty heavy." Fang chuckled as he sat up.

"I'm not heavy you're just not strong." She pouted. Fang then gazed into Natsumes' liquid golden eyes, with love and concern.

"Why were you crying earlier?" He questioned as she sat criss-crossed, not meeting his caring yet concerned gaze.

"I wasn't crying.. I was.... I had something in my eyes.." Natsume paused in between her words. Fang sighed as he moved closer to her, he began to lean her back onto the bed, as he hovered over her.

"Natsume you know I can tell when your lying. Can you just tell me, I want to know what you're thinking and feeling, please." Fang pleaded with the slightest blush on his face. Natsume turned her head to avoid his gaze.

"Why do you want to know stuff like that? And why do you even care?" She asked in a hushed tone, embarrassed at their position.

"I want to know because I dislike to see you upset and sad. I'd prefer to see that beautiful smile you have, that smile that can outshine the sun. And I care because I love you, I love you so much it hurts me to see you this way." Fang confessed as he held Natsumes' chin to make her look at him.

--His eyes showed the same tenderness as his voice expressed. Natsume was captivated by this, she had never seen this side of Fang before. Slowly she brought her hand to caress his right cheek, as they finally made eye contact.

"Do you really mean that?" Natsume asked wanting to hear his response.

--A small but lovely smile graced his lips as he leaned in, their noses were just barely touching. He then put his forearms on the bed so that their two bodies pressed together.

"Of course I mean it. I don't lie and I don't intend to start. The only thing I desire is to see you happy and in good health." Fang whispered so that only she could her, even though no one else was in the room but them.

"I know. I just wanted to hear you say it. And I love you too Fang. For awhile I've had these feelings for you, but afraid you didn't feel the same." Natsume whispered back with a smile gently placed on her tanned face.

"I'm glad because now I can do this..." Fang closed his eyes as he leaned in more so that his warm lips, touched her chilled ones.

--Seconds later Natsume closed her eyes and kissed the man she loved back, with passion and love. A minute or so passed as the two parted for a well needed breath. The only thing that could be heard was their panting and the slight flutter of heartbeats. After catching their breath one of them spoke.

"Are you going to tell me why you were crying now?" Fang asked as he sat up then pulled Natsume onto his lap, and held her tenderly. She hesitated before she spoke.

"I just miss Father. He was the only one, besides you, that truly excepted me for who I am. The others never spoke to me, and if they did they'd always apologize and leave. And I just wanted to meet Mother, even if it was just for a brief moment, I'd still enjoy seeing the women who gave birth to me...." Natsume explained tears at the brim of her eyes. Fang held her just a little tighter as he rubbed her back.

"You don't have to worry Natsume, I'll always be beside you no matter what. I will try to love you just as much as your Father does." Fang reassured the sobbing girl.

--As Natsume continued to cry softly into Fangs' chest she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

"I hate seeing you shed tears, but it gives me great pride knowing that I'm the only one who can comfort you." Fang said as he laid Natsume on the bed, and covered her up with the warm blanket.

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