Elimination Round: 23

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-----------------------Two Days Later-----------------

••The rest of the Fairy Tail team met up when they arrived in Crocus. They toured around the peaceful capital for a bit, but they had to be in their hotel rooms by noon time. Natsume had stayed in her room afraid the citizens will be frightened of her, Haru still hadn't spoken to her.

"It's almost noon, they should be here soon." She mumbled to herself as her tail swayed in boredom. Her door opened to see her team out of breath. "What took you guys so long?" She asked sitting up, ears perked up ready to hear their excuse.

"We got caught up admiring the town we kinda lost track of time." Natsu grinned, she smiled back as she put her cloak on.

"Welcome to the Grand Magic Games, kabo!!" Shouted a happily familiar voice.

"The games have started." Natsume whispered as the walked to her balcony.

"This year the elimination round will only include one member of your team. Each guild will select a member to enter the Battle Royale, the last 8 participants standing will be declared the winners. So chose wisely, kabo." Explained the happy pumpkin headed man.

"I see. Do we have any volunteers?" Erza asked.

"I want to go! I'm all fired up."

"Why don't we start this year with a bang? I'll participate to show you guys how much I care for Fairy Tail." Natsume suggested. Everyone agreed much to Salamanders protests. "For now my name will be Kage, then later on we'll reveal who I really am." She whispered as she stepped forward, Erza nodded as Natsume stepped onto the balconies railing.

"We have Kage volunteering for Fairy Tail." Natsume said as a panel appeared for her to step on. As soon as she stepped on it it transported her to a forest. "A forest huh." She smiled as her hood shaded her mischievous eyes.

••She had to wait until all the other guilds picked their members.

"Alright all of the members have been chosen to fight in the Battle Royale. When I reach 0 the battle shall begin. Ready, kabo?"

"5." The crowd counted down.

"4." Natsume took in a deep breath, concentrating.

"3." She felt heart beats racing all around her as she tried to calm down hers.

"2." A shadow moved toward an unsuspecting Mage.

"1." That person turned around.

"0." The crowd shouted as a scream was heard.

"Looks like some people have been taken down by my Shadow Dragon." Natsume smirked to herself as 20 wizards rushed toward her. She stayed perfectly still.

"She must be scared stiff, let's all attack together!" Shouted one of them as they stood in a circle around her. They all got into casting positions. "Fire." They shouted in unison as their magic aimed for Natsume.

"Air dome." She whispered as an invisible dome of air surrounded her. The mages attacks reflected off of her dome and into the sky. The Fairy Tail symbol was casted into the sky in a rainbow of colors.

"Looks like Fairy Tail is giving the crowd some fire works." Said an announcer. The Fairy Tail guild cheered as the saw their symbol glowing like a star in the light of day.

••The mages then charged at Natsume.

~Wing Beat of the Lightning Dragon

••Natsume swayed her arms as wings of lightning temporally stunned the now unconscious wizards. She walked with pride toward the next unlucky bunch of mages. Later she met up with Rogue. They smirked at each other as the walked past another, pounding their fists together.

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