Precious Bonds: 22

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••It had been 3 long months of training for both Haru and Natsume. Their skills had improved greatly and their bonds with each other had increased ten fold. Natsume had learned how to conceal her horns but her tail and eyes couldn't be concealed so easily. And Haru had perfected his Ice Dragon Slayer magic in those short 3 months, he also picked up a couple of tricks to add to his belt.

"Hey Natsume are you ready?" Haru hollered as he packed the last of his stuff. Natsume put on her black cloak as she followed him.

••They arrived at the station in a short time. But when they arrived Haru's face turned a ghastly green.

"Your getting sick just looking at the train?" Natsume giggled as he wobbly walked into the train. She pulled out a blue pill and gave it to Haru. "If you eat this your motion sickness will go away for a while."

••Haru snatched the pill as he swallowed it whole, it took a minute to work as the train began its journey to the capital.

"Thanks Sume!" Haru cheered as he hugged the cloaked girl. You can't see but she's blushing lightly under the dark hood of her shadow cloak.

"N-no problem Haru. I can't get motion sickness since I'm not a Dragon Slayer." She replied with a faint smile. Haru noticed her sadness as he laid his head on her lap.

"It's okay Sume. I don't care if you're human or not. As along as you're by my side, I can be happy." He grinned with a faint blush. Her eyes softened as she connected their foreheads together.

"Thanks Haru. But you do know I will out live you by thousands of years, right?" She whispered as a single tear fell from her azure eye. Haru lifted his hand to touch her cheek as he opened his eyes.

"I know and I wish I could be with you for all those years in this form but not matter how much time passes you'll always remember me by the memories we made together, so don't worry about it until the time comes." He whispered back as he kissed her lightly. Natsumes eyes softened as tears began to flow like a never ending river.

"Oh Haru. Why are you so kind and loving to me even though you'll grow old while I'll stay this way? Why would you put yourself through such torment, why?" She sobbed as Haru sat up and held her.

"Because, any pain is worth having you by my side until the very end. The pain that I'll go through in the future can't out weigh the love we have shared. So please don't cry, a smile suits you better." Haru replied tenderly as he wiped away her tears. Natsume looked into his eyes to find something she missed, something she hasn't seen since her father passed, sincerity. She nodded as she put on her best smile for Haru, he smirked back to her.

"That a girl. Now get some rest it's going to be a long time until we reach Crocus." he said as he stroked her hair, her eyes slowly fell into the darkness of sleep. 'I love her so much I almost can't believe that so many people have tried to harm her just because of her strength. It makes me sick. Who could do such a thing to my sweet Natsume?' Haru thought to himself as he stared out the window, watching the fields of green trees turn into Rocky Mountains. 'I've almost forgotten that I, not to long ago, also tried to manipulate her just for the sake of her unbelievable power. How could I've been so cold hearted?' His teeth clenching in anger at himself. He shook the thought out of his mind. 'I can't blame myself for that because I know Natsume wouldn't want me to think that way. I have to stay strong, for her. She might be the strongest creature alive but her heart is fragile, the tiniest thing could destroy her.' His eyes softened as she started to mumble in her sleep.

"Daddy.... I.... found... you..." Natsume whispered as a tear of happiness slid down her face.

••Haru smiled as his eyes began to drift into the paradise of dreamland. With Natsume on his lap, he welcomed the beckoning call of sleep.

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