Truth Revealed (P2) :5

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--Natsume and Erza were glaring at each other, the intensity of their glares could match that of the Dragons. Thankfully Natsume broke the glare because the guild was becoming tense with anticipation and slight fear.

"I'd love to battle you today. But I think it's a little late and it wouldn't be very wise to fight a Wolf Demon under the cloak of night.... If it's okay can we wait till tomorrow?" Natsume asked walking out of the guild. Erza nodded as she began to talk to Master Makarov.

"She is indeed very powerful, and quite cocky. But I have a feeling she's hiding something from us." Erza commented.

"That might be true, but I think it's in our best interest that we don't know what she's hiding.... That girl has a power like no one else in this world, I'm just glad she's an ally and not an enemy." Makarov replied.

'If she were an enemy I fear we, or anyone else would have a chance at defeating her. And the darkness she could spread could equal that of Zerefs', and she will live a long life, to make sure that happens.' Makarov thought grimly to himself.

~~Somewhere Else~~

--After leaving the guild Natsume walked toward the forest. At that time the sun was setting. The sky was painted with pinks, reds, yellows and some orange. The twinkle of the first stars were slightly visible.

"What a beautiful sight. I hope that in my long life I get to see many more sunsets just as wonderful as this one." Natsume whispered to herself as she admired the setting sun. After a moment she kept on walking in the darkening forest to think about her past.

"I wonder if Father is watching me from the stars like he said he would.... I will miss him dearly and keep him close to my heart... Always... Mother.. oh how I wish I could see you just once, hear your heavenly voice, fell your soft touch, and smell the intoxicating smell that I've heard so much about. But I guess that day won't ever come." Natsume cried as she fell to her knees, letting the tears flow down her caramel skin.

--The broken Wolf howled her sadness into the light of the moon that glowed brilliantly above her. The forest was silent as only the lonely howls of a wolf can be heard, and that did not go unnoticed by 3 cloaked travelers. They were curious so they followed the howling. They found a sleeping girl with freshly fallen tears in her eyes.

"What should we do with her? It'd be wrong to just leave her here." Asked a feminine voice.

"I agree. We should take her into town with us, Master could probably take her in." Suggested another female voice.

"I suppose." Stated a deep voice as he picked up the girl (bridal style).

--Moments later a bright light surrounded them as a Snow White Wolf appeared baring it's fangs.

"Who are you? And why do you have your filthy hands on my Master?" Growled the wolf, as all the fur on his back was standing up in anger.

"We are the guild of Crime Sorcière. And we found this girl asleep with freshly fallen tears coming from her eyes. We were just going to bring her into town." Explained a black hair woman who took off her cloak hood, as did the others.

"*sigh, I see. Place my Mistress on my back while I bring her into town. And please excuse my rudeness. As to apologize I will pay for the inn." Fang stated as Jellal placed the sleeping Natsume on the wolfs' back.

"There's no need. We don't intend on staying in town for long." Jellal said as he walked beside Fang.

"I insist. Plus you wish to see Makarov correct, Jellal Fernandez." Fang smirked.

"How do you know who we are?" Ultear asked as her and Meredy stepped in the wolves' path. Fang stopped as he closed his eyes.

"My Mistress has had me memorize every guild member in Fairy Tail and it's allies. So I know of every one of your pasts'. And if you were wise like I know you are, I'd keep on following me. Because if the Princess wakes up she'll be very unhappy." Fang warned in a monotone. Jellal sighed as he lifted his hand to signal Ultear and Meredy to back down. They obeyed and kept to the back.

"Alright, but I want to know who you two are, if thats okay?" Jellal questioned with a small smirk. Fang nodded as they had finally entered town. The wolf led them to a high class hotel, they 3 reluctantly followed him in.

"I would like 4 different rooms for 4 people. Also I want one of the rooms to receive no maid service, I wish to keep my master undisturbed." Fang ordered the person behind the counter. He nodded and gave the wolf 4 sets of keys.

"Here are your keys Sir Fang. Your rooms are on the top floor, I hope you, the Princess and your friends enjoy your stay." said the man in a respectful way. Jellal grabbed the keys and walked to the elevator.

"Can you hold the Princess, I don't want to drop her when I transform."

"Sure." Ultear replied as she grabbed Natsume. A silver light flickered and a man with white hair and azure eyes appeared. He then grabbed Natsume from Ultear and pushed the elevator button.

"This is my human form. I am the Celestial wolf; Lupus, better known as Fang VenHellsing. My Mistress is Natsume VenHellsing, better known as the Princess of the Dragon Realm." Fang addressed. Jellal, Meredy and Ultear were shocked.

"She doesn't look like a Dragon, she looks more like a....." Meredy thought out loud.

"Like a Demon. Yes, my father was the Legendary Black Crimson. His fur was as black as a shadow and eyes as crimson as thick blood." Replied a unfamiliar voice. Fang put the girl on her feet.

"He was named after a great barbarian, Conan. But none the less he was the best father and leader, despite his talent in war..... As said before I am Natsume VenHellsing, his daughter." Natsume explained further.

"And he was killed protecting his daughter in an explosion caused by the mercenary guild who wiped out our village." Fang stated solemnly.

--The wizards were shocked to hear the past behind the Spirit and Demon in front of them. They were speechless as the two bowed and left to their room.


~We finally know the truth behind Natsume ,but where is her mother?

~Why would Natsume cry about seeing her mother??

~How will Natsume fight Erza in her current depressed state??

-Read on and find out??


~~ sorry for the late update I had writers block and other stuff. I just hope u enjoyed the chapter and the rest of my story. Remember to like, comment, vote and share!!!😎

$$--good bye for now. Edited as of 3/2/15.



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