The Cloaked Figure :1

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-- It was a normal day in the Fairy Tail guild, rowdy and loud. But that changed when a cloaked figure walked in. The whole guild became silent as this figure walked up to Natsu.

"" Whispered a feminine voice as she collapsed. But thanks to the Dragon Slayers' quick reflexes he caught the girl.

"Someone get Gramps while I bring this girl to the Infirmary!!" Natsu hollered as he ran up to the second floor. When he got to the infirmary he gently placed the girl on the white bed. Minutes later Master Makarov came in with Lucy and Wendy.

"Natsu what happened? Is she okay?" Lucy asked.

"I don't know she just collapsed." Natsu replied back.

"Well what ever happened I should take off her cloak and heal her." Wendy said as she carefully took off the girls' cloak.

-- Natsu, Lucy, Wendy and Makarov were surprised to see the girls condition, and her appearance. She had midnight black hair, slightly tanned skin. She's wearing a black v-neck, slightly ripped skinny jeans, a golden colored belt, and some black Vans. But that's not what surprised them it was the girls' Wolf ears and tail. She also was badly injured with large gashes and probably broken bones.

-- Just as Wendy was about to heal the girl, a silvery glow consumed to the room. When the light dimmed a white haired man was standing protectively in front of the injured girl.

"If I were you I won't take a step closer to my Mistress." Warned the white haired man.

"Who are you?!" Natsu growled.

"I am the Celestial Wolf, Lupus. But I'd prefer to be called Fang. And I don't wish to fight anyone while my Mistress is injured... I also warned the Sky Maiden, not be rude, but to help her. My Mistress' body would've absorbed her magic energy." Fang said in a tender tone as he started to bandage up the girl.

-- Fang has white spiked hair, azure blue eyes and a well built body. He's wearing the same outfit as the girl but has on a blue belt and a silver chain that has a golden crescent moon charm on it.

"Why would she do that? What kind of magic does she have?" Natsu asked curiosity written on his face.

"I can answer that..... This girl is a rare and powerful creature known as a Wolf Demon. But I was told by the Magic Council that the Wolf Demon tribe was wiped out by the Dragons." Makarov explained.

"Only half of what you say is true old man. But unless my Mistress instructs me, I won't say what really happened." Fang said in a monotone, as he finished bandaging his Master.

"I see. I will just have to ask her when she wakes up." Makarov said only to be interupted by a moan.

"Umm.... where am I?" Moaned the girl as she sat up.

"I think we're in the rowdy guild of Fairy Tail. I don't know why you would pick this guild to pass out in out of all the other guilds." Fang chuckled. The girl looked around and smiled.

"Hello... My name is Natsume VenHellsing...... I am the last member of the...." The girl named Natsume said as she pasted out into a dreamless slumber.

"My Mistress needs her rest. It would be nice if you could leave so she can get that." Fang asked nicely as he transformed into a white, blue eyed wolf.

"Okay we'll just check up on her in the morning then. Good bye." Lucy waved happily as they all left.

"Don't worry Mistress, I will protect you no matter what... Just like I promised your father so many years ago." Fang said softly as he curled himself next to Natsume.


~Who is this 'Natsume VenHellsing'?

~What does her past have to do with the Dragons' disappearance?

~Find out in the next chapter of 'The Demon Within A Fairy Tail'.


[A/N] Thanks for reading!! This is the first fanfiction I've written so just comment what ever you like but positive comments are appreciated!!

Edited as of 3/2/15

Oh and before I forget all right reserved to the Creator of Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima!!!😋


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