The Choice: 21

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••Natsume came to a stop as she looked to the sky. She had just met her maker, literally. Was it a good choice to tell her off like that? And threaten to kill her, for Kami-samas sake? She grunted as her stomach growled.

'You want to eat a time like this?' She asked her stomach as it growled again. She chuckled half-heartedly as she said.

"Okay, okay I'll go get us something to eat." The bushes started to rustle behind Natsume as she turned around.

"Natsume? Are you there?" Asked a familiar masculine toned voice. Natsume was surprised to hear his voice. It was. . .

"Haru." she whispered as she took slow steps back.

"I finally found you!" He sighed in relief.

"Y-you shouldn't be here. Why'd you follow me?" She asked.

"I had to look for you. You still have to train me, remember?" Haru grinned as he walked closer to the slightly confused Natsume.

"But, I'm a monster. Why would you even want me near you. Just look at me." Natsume said in a saddened tone, as her tail swayed.

"It doesn't matter what you look like. You're still my friend and the girl I love." Haru said as he closed the space between them. Natsumes back hit a tree as she looked away.

"But when I transformed, you looked at me with such fear and terror." Natsume said as a single tear ran down her caramel cheek. Haru but his hand on her cheek as he wiped away her tear. He turned her head so that her eyes met his gentle ones.

"I wasn't scared of you. I was just surprised. Surprised at how beautiful you looked in that light. And how beautiful you look now." He whispered as his forehead met hers. She blushed lightly.

"I'm not beautiful. I'm a monster. A beast. How could you think I'm beautiful? Are you blind or something?"

"The only thing I'm blind to is the world. Because what I see right now, is the only world I want to be apart of." He whispered as he leaned in and made their lips met.

••Natsume was surprised. When his lips met hers, there was electricity. Nothing like when Fang had kissed her. She gently closed her eyes as she kissed him back. Haru smiled through their kiss, the girl he loves is kissing him. What more could he ask for? Minutes passed as they parted, breathing lightly.

"So was kissing me so bad?" He asked with a smile as he saw her face flush a light pink.

""N-no. I felt something that I've never felt when I kissed Fang." she replied as she tried looking him in the eyes but failed.

"And what's that?" He asked as he moved a strand of black and white hair on her face.

"It w-was a little jolt of electricity. But not a bad one, it actually felt nice." She stuttered as she looked at him shyly.

"I'm glad to hear that. Do you want to feel it again?" He asked, she was going to reply but stopped as his lips met hers.

••Her eyes closed a little faster this time. She was a little surprised when he lowered his hands down to her waist to bring them closer, but she didn't mind that much. Her tail wagged in happiness as it's new weight made the two loss balance. They fell to the ground as their lips parted, Haru hovered over Natsume as she blushed a light red. Haru blushed as well as he got off her.

"Umm sorry. I'm not very used to my tail yet." Natsume apologized as she sat up.

"It's okay. But we should probably find somewhere to stay for the night." Haru suggested, Natsume nodded they stood up and walked around. As they were walking Natsumes stomach growled. She blushed a light crimson as Haru turned around.

"Was that your stomach?" He asked. She just nodded as he laughed. Natsume blushed lightly as she said.

"Yes. I haven't eaten all day." she pouted lightly biting the inside of her cheek. He chuckled as he walked over to her.

"Let's set up camp for the night, okay?" Haru asked as he intertwined their fingers together with a grin. She nodded as they found a cave close by.

•• They made a fire and set up camp. When they finished Haru went to go get something's to eat in the wood, he said he'd be back in no time, some time passed as Natsume sat there in front of the fire.

"*sigh* Why did she have to come? And why do I have to look like this ugly beast? I know Haru says I'm pretty but what will the others think? Will they still be my friends or will ridicule me?" Natsume said out loud to herself as she hugged her legs.

••Her tail swayed slowly as she sat there staring at the fire. Her eyes began to close as she wondered what Fairy Tail would do when they see her as she is now.

'I think I'm going to go to Fairy Tail and tell them I'm going to stay.' Natsume thought happily as she closed her eyes in slumber.

Haru came an hour later to find that she had fallen asleep. He smiled gently at her as he cooked, put the food away and slept next to Natsume under the stars.



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