The Parting :26

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As the summer moon rose into its place in the sky 2 demons walked through the dark streets. They walked toward the pitch black forest that awaits them with open arms. One of them stops suddenly.

"What seems to be the matter?" Zeus asked as he turned to face her. Her face was as pale as snow, she fell to her knees as crimson tears trickled down her face.

"Uncle, why am I so dangerous to the people I care about?" She whispered as fell to the ground in despair.

She had done something that she wish could be undone, but even with her power she can not turn back the clocks. Zeus just stared at her as she continued to cry, he pitied her. It wasn't her fault that she has been cursed, it was he who put the curse on her. But how could he tell her that, she would be consumed by either rage or sadness and unleash a creature that is its own weakness.

--------Flash Back

Natsume was packing her things when someone opened and closed the door. She continued to pack as that person came closer.

"Natsume! Why are you leaving? And who is that strange man out there?"

"I already told you why I'm leaving and that's my fathers youngest brother, Zeus VenHellsing; my uncle." She said without looking at him. He growled in frustration as he grabbed her by her shoulders, but while doing so he tripped over his feet and they both fell. He was on top of her on the bed. "Rogue. Get off of me, I have to finish packing." She said again without looking at him.

"No. I won't allow you to leave. I can't let you.." His voice cracked as he tried to hold back his tears. "Why won't you look at me?! Why do you have to leave me?" Some tears escaped his eyes as he shouted to her.

"I can't look at you Rogue. If I do I'll..."

"You'll what! Please just look at me!" He pleaded as he caressed her face. She sighed as she slowly started to look at him. She saw the hurt in his eyes, she saw the wanting, the desire for her in his eyes. Her heart started to tear at this, but her instincts, her lust for blood took over as her eyes sharpened. She placed her hand on his face gently.

"Shh Rogue. Don't cry. I'm right here, look into my eyes and everything will be okay." She cooed into his ear.

His body tensed up as she brought their faces closer together, their hot breath mixing and her hand was just behind his neck. He reacted the way his heart told him to. He leaned forward a little bit and kissed her, she kissed back. He felt a warm explosion that started at his heart, and flowed into his entire body. He was surprised as she bit on his lip, a moan escaped his mouth as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Her tongue played within his mouth as he tried to react back, she giggled in response as they stopped to breathe.

"Natsume." He whispered her name as he sat up. She followed as she placed her head on his right shoulder.

"Oh Rogue. You smell intoxicating, I can practically smell the intense emotions you feel right now. It's almost too hard to resist." Her hot breath tickled his neck as she started to kiss the nape of his neck, he tried to hold back his sounds of pleasure but he failed. She gently grazed her canines from his shoulder to the nape of his neck, a chill went down his spine, after that she picked a spot and started to gently suck on it. His scent was getting stronger as he was getting more pleasure from her. Natsume couldn't help herself, she dug her fangs into his neck as she pushed him to the bed, he grunted in response.

"Natsume, stop you're hurting me." He said as he tried to push her off, she growled as she dug her iron claws into his shoulders, she bit down harder as he shouted in pain.

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