Everthing has changed

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Selene's p.o.v.


2 years later

Happy birthday Selene my friends and family say. Your 18 now your out of high school my mom says what your going to do about college. Well me and selene actually got into Greece university, so where planning on moving there Bryan says happily. Surprise mom I got into a college. When our you guys leaving my mom ask. We are leaving tomorrow actually, we need to get everything straighten out we have already gotten an apartment, furniture and everything. Your gone to live with a vampire boy my mom says. Yeah him and Jason are actually best friend and he's my friend. I can't believe my little girl is grown already. Stop mom I say embarrassed. I'm gonna miss you guys a lot. I'm leaven my coven and everything. I love you guys forever.

Before I know it we are on a plane to Greece. Are you nervous Bryan say. No are you nervous. Yes he say I then grab his hand. We both look at each other nervous as the plane land. Taki taki we both yell one pull over in drive us to our new home. As we both walk inside it ooks great we both even did a wow in Bryan lived in a castle. We then set the whole place up, it looks amazing Bryan say hugging me. I'm so hungry let's get some food. Alright you Greece is one of the main homes of vampire but it equal out with human. Really, let go to Taco Mac we then head there


Nicholas p.o.v.

I wake up to my loving wife. I have responsibility now that I'm the lord and king of people I say getting out the bed and getting dress. I then finish in head to the office. Lord there is a vampire living with a witch what should we do I hear one of the head say. Its okay just leave it alone I say. Your eighteen now you should get over your feelings he say. Fine do some research I say asking for a glass of blood. Make sure they are not trying to breed with each other I say. My wife then walks in and sit on my lap kissing me. I gone to go to town today I say happily. Hayes come with me will you please. Okay I'll do anything to get out of here he say grinning. We then walk out in of course bodyguards follow us. Everybody starts to stare and bow in greet us. I then see Taco Mac. Hey let's go get some tacos. Okay hayes say agreeing. We then walk in and a scent I adore hits me in the face. We then get in line behind this girl. Ummmm could you take the beans of the taco she say with the most sexies voice. She then turn and hits me and the face. I'm so sorry. The bodyguards then hold her. I then look her in the face. Selene I say shocked. Yeah that's my name she say looking up then shock fills her face. So this is the girl you couldn't get over one of the guards say. She then frown. Let her go I say. She then walk to the table were Bryan is. We then order our food in it at a table across from Selene's.


Selene p.o.v.

I then look at Nicholas from our table and its so obvious that he's eye fucking me he is bitting his lip an everything. I then look away because I'm still hurt because of what he said to me when he left. Its okay he say grabbing my hand. He then backs up. Are you okay I say worried. Yeah it was just pain. Oh let's go. As we are about go Nicholas comes up to me in whisper meet me please and place something in my pocket then give me kiss right by my mouth. He then walks out the place in I give a head nod to hayes as he leave. I then read the note it says to meet him in the ally tonight. Me and Bryan then walk home in he go take a shower. I then debate weather I should go. I then find myself walking to the ally. Hey baby he say wrapping his arms around me from the behind. Hi, what do you want. You he says coming to my vision. Nicholas don't play with me, I then try to walk away but he pushes me against a wall. Please I say trying to get out of his hold. Your gonna work for me okay in my castle. Castle. Yes castle I am the king after all. I then hold my mouth in shock. No I do not want to be your servant. You don't want to see me, he says tightening his grip on me. I didnt say that, fine I will be your servant I say out of madness. Those people then appear again saying if I break the contract they will kill me blah. What, you tricked me I say. He then wrap his arms around me kissing my neck. Why are you acting like this he say letting go of me, its pissing me off. Well if you don't remember you left the town or me or would that be selfish of me to include me. Plus I like to forget things remember. Don't get smart with me Selene, every second of the day I always thought of you. I couldn't get you out of my mind, and now that I see you again I want you to stay with me forever. Why are doing this your the one that left me remember I say irritated. I know but I couldn't just go back on my dads words please forgive me. I will forgive you if you release me. You also have to spend a weekend with me he say grinning. I love you he say releasing from being his pet. I love you to I say looking down. He then kiss me and I return them.I love you he keeps mumbling.

Let get hotel he saysbinto my ear I them nod my head.

We hold hands as we walk into the hotel. They look at us then bow. Hello king Nicholas which would you like its an honor having you here. He then choose a room. So how is your wife the queen the person starts. I then stop holding his hand in run away embarrassed. He them catches up to me as I'm about to walk into my building. He then holds me from the behind. He then removes my hair from my neck. Kissing it lightly, I'm hungry Selene he says biting my neck, putting his hand underneath my shirt. No I say managing to get away from him go to your wife I say irritated. So your mad at me. No I'm not its just that your still with Liz. Actually we broke up its someone else her name is Sarah. Oh well I should get going I say sad. When will I be able to see you again. I don't know I say, walking into the building.

Author note:

Please comment to tell me what you want t to happen in the next chapter. I will try to use you guys ideas :)

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