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Selene p.o.v.


Wake up Bryan says rubbing my hair we have school today at Greece university. I then wake up because of the excited Runing in my veins. I hop in the shower cleaning myself up, and get out putting on the uniforms. I then walk to living room seeing someone next to Bryan. Whose this I say. This is Matthew he is a warlock Bryan say smirking. Are you serious im an witch. I then walk up to him shaking his hand. How are he say smoothly. I'm fine I say. That's good well Bryan showed me your classes in we have the same classes. That's cool, also do you think you could show me some moves I say excited. Of course I will and Bryan also told me you have a coven. Yeah I do I say smiling. We should get to school also the king goes there as well he say grinning at me. I then shot fire at him from my hand missing him on purpose. Hey that's not cool you could have tooken my head of. I then smile. Your pretty good are you sure you need me Matthew say smirking. I then blush with him doing the same. Stop you guys we need to get to school Bryan says. Fine we say in unison. We then head to school.

As we enter I see that this is a school for the supernatural. Oh may gosh do you think there our more like us I say looking at Matthew. I don't know he say looking sad. He then grabs my hand in lead me to our first class as we enter we see one spot with like thirty seats but only three people are sitting there in everyone else is in the other area separate from his. We then walk a little closer to the seats an I see that it is Nichols and Hayes but who is that girl. We then take our seat. I can't help but look at him in think dirty. I then bite my lips and I see him looking, he then smirk. I just look away embarrassed. Is something wrong Miss. Selene the teacher say looking up at me. No there is nothing wrong. Then why is your face red he say. Because it is I say irritated. Okay and don't get an attitude he then continue to teach. In I take one last glance at Nicholas. Okay class today you can explore the campus in see if there are any clubs your interested in and plenty more. Matt then grab my hand leading me to the booths, so do have any thing in mind he say walking beside me. No I actually don't know I say. I have something to ask of you so in a week for today I'm going to rescue my family from the prison and I need your help. I don't know what if we get caught. We won't will you help me witches and warlocks have to stick together before we go instinct. Were is I say curious. Its at the bottom of the castle in the basement. Oh I guess I will help you but why did they get taken they must be in there for some reason I say. Its no reason they got taken by those stupid vampires you have to believe me please he say pleading. Fine I say. What do we have here this ignoring voice say. I then find the girl that was sitting next to Nicholas behind us. What do you want I say. Its just that I saw you looking at Nicholas, he is my husband so don't mess with him. You must be Sarah yeah I am she say. In you are she say. Selene, she then walk away from us. I have to go in set up my booth but I will see you later Matt says walking away smiling. I then walk up to this tall creepy building.I walk in side going to the attic this place is really cool I think to my self I then see Nicholas in the corner of the attic sleeeping. I walk over to him getting on my knees hovering over him. I then look at his lips and lower my lips to his. He then open his eyes, I get of off him fast. Where you kissing me he say looking at me. No I was not I say. I know you were, its okay I would let you do anything to me that's sexual he say smirking. He then walks up to me kissing me, I then step back that girl said she don't want me next or with you. Also I could never have an affair with someone whose married even if I like that person. I then walk away from him, and go back to the booths. Um there has been a change in plans Matthew say coming from behind me. What is it I say looking him dead in the eye. We need to do it tonight we have to he say grabbing me. Fine I say. Meet me at seven please he say begging. Okay I say. Also would it be wrong if I said I already like you even if I meet you today. I don't know. Witches and warlock's belong together he say. I just don't know, let's get something to eat I'm hungry. Fine he say.

Six hours later


I then walk out my place going to the ally were he wanted me to meet him. Hey I can't believe you actually came he say flashing us into the castle. We then see the people but there only males. Is this your family. Yeah, say the release spell with me. We then both say release together causing the barrier to break releasing his family. I then try to flash out, its useless they turned on something that block our power Matt says looking at me with sympathy. We then run across the lawn trying to get to the main road. We all make it except one, I run back putting his arm around my neck trying to run.This dog that comes out of no were then bite me I then scream out loud in pain and kick the dog in its face. When I look back I see Nicholas looking at me and he then mouth let them go. I then safely get the guy to the rest of the people. Thank you Matt says. Whatever I say about to cry, he then grab me telling me to calm down. Nothing's gone to be okay with me he saw me, he will punish me for what I've done with you I say crying even harder. Its going to be alright he keeps repeating. I then just walk home.

Were you been Bryan say looking at me, nowhere I say walking to the bathroom. Today I just decide to take a bath with bubble in it hoping that it would calm my nerves. I then relax in the tub putting my face underneath the water staying like that for a good minute. I get out putting on my PJs going to sleep. The next morning I get up putting my uniform on going straight to school. Be calm this not your usual self I say to my self I then go to my locker getting my books out. As I turn around Nicholas walks up straight to me slapping me. I could see the anger in his eyes. You will be punish he whisper in my eye. I then feel his fang scrape the top of my ear, he then leaves. I then fall down crying, everybody just looking at me with shock. Are you okay Matt says coming up to me my body then feel pain that I have never felt before. I then scream out holding myself. I then feel dizzy I then walk to the creepy house I saw the first time. I go to the attic laying down, but the pain was not going away if anything it was getting worse. Go away pain I say using my power but the pain hit my ten times worse. I then yell. Hello darling Nicholas say walking up to me. Every step he took the pain increase. He then hold my neck side ways bitting down hard, then he ever had down before please was the only thing I could get out, my body was still in pain. I could tell that he didn't care that he was hurting me. He just continued to suck, I then loose my balance but he still sucks tightening his grip on me. This is the most blood he has ever taken from me I think to myself. He then let me go allowing me to fall on the ground hard. I'm tired of all this you with that guy, you dis obeying me, making me look like a coward, he then pause. My body is just shaking and shaking I can't stop it. He then wipe the blood of his mouth onto his hand licking it and just walk out. Ten minutes later Bryan walk in seeing me, Bryan help me I mumble I'm taking you to the hospital is the last thing I heard him say.

Nicholas p.o.v.


I just lose it I can't stop I want to continue to drain her. I just so bloody mad at her, I just don't give a fuck anymore. This all is just pissing me off. She made me look bad in front of the council, when I let them escape. What the hell is wrong with me, she got me all twisted. I hate feeling jealous of people who are not better than me. Why I think all to my self I then just walk out still knowing that I want her and that i will kill and hurt anyone including her if she gets away from me or someone take her away. What the hell am I saying I repeat to myself I would never kill over some girl.


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