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Nicholas p.o.v.


I wake up in the morning only thanking about her. Why can't I get her out my head. I know I want her bad the jelousy is real when it comes to me. Why would she do this. I cant believe het and that mut go out. All I know is that I'm gonna get her. I want her so fucking bad but it would lower my reputation. I then pull out my phone to text her

N: hey, sorry about my attitude towards you. I was a little shocked

S: it's fine its kinda my fault again I'm sorry to

N: I didn't scare you did I

S: kinda I was I thought you were going to kill me

N: no....... I couldn't do that to you. Can I tell you something

S: yeah what is it

N: I might Be in love with you

S: you really need stop playing with me

N: I'm not I really do want you to be mine why els would I get mad like that you have to listen to me.

S: really

N: yes I want you to be with me not jason

S: but jason and I

N: I really don't care what you two have break it off

S: what about Liz, plus I like Jason

N: so what about her I can't just break it off I'm a prince and do you really like him

S: whatever

N: you home

S: yeah, lonely

N: your by yourself

S: yep they are not coming home till tomorrow night

N: ........

Selene p.o.v.


I then feel air come through the window as I see Nicholas appear in my room right in front of me. I then get out my bed looking at him. What's wrong I say. Nothing he say looking me up and down. What I say getting angry. Are you trying to seduce me he say walking up to me. I then cover my body with embarrassment. He then remove my hands. Please stop this.

Why, your not enjoying getting touched by me he say. I push him walking out my room. I then hear him throw a fit. I hope he is not mad I say to myself worried. Selene stop playing games with me I'm tired of waiting. I could have been took what I wanted from you. Why do you not want me. He say walking up to me. He then starts to kiss me I wrap my hand around his neck deepening our kiss for some reason. I open my mouth to let him have more access. He then picks me up carrying me to my room. He then place me on the bed getting on top of me kissing my neck. Then there a knock at the door. Hey its me Jason. Oh shit I forgot I then push Nicholas off of me. I can't believe I did that I say out loud. You still going to be with him he say smirking. Yes, I'm gone to tell him what I did. Okay he say a bit irritated he then flashes out without a bye.

Coming I say going to the door. I then open it in Jason kiss me while hugging me. I then sit him down on the couch and tell him what I did. Its okay just make sure it does not happen again he say a bit frustrated. I'm so sorry I say kissing his cheek while hugging him. I then look at the window in see that Nicholas is in the tree looking at me with death written in his face. I then get away from Jason fast. What's wrong he ask. Oh nothing I'm sorry to make you worry. He then walks up to me kissing me repeatedly. The window next to us then break as I see Nicholas strangling Jason. I then try to get Nicholas off him, but he don't budge. Stop stop stop I say using my power but he just shake it off. I will be your servant if you do. He then losen his grip. My servant he says looking at jason. You will also break up with this puppy. Okay I say stuttering. You hear that you and her are done he say grinning now leave. Jason runs away in don't even look back.

Where were we before he rudely interrupted. He then walk up to me looking at my lips, I can't believe he kissed you. Selene I'm a bit hungry he say tilting my neck to the side. Can we get you a blood package from the store I say trembling. Is your blood in one of those packages he say looking me in the eye. No. I want you Selene be mines. I'll give you everything. I would be your my whole body would be yours. I don't want everything I say looking down. I then look him in the eye in something take over me. All I want to do is have him but not like this. Please leave I say. Why are you acting like this he say. Because I don't know. Your mine now, you have to do whatever I say even if its physical. It says so in the law when you say that you would serve someone as high as me you must do anything I say. Speaking of serving here's the contract he say grinning. Then people appear" we are the head of this town you now serve the Prince signs this I then put my name as if I had a choice. If you break this you will be punished with death he can let you go if he want also you can live at your home they then flash out. I then back up into Nicholas stomach he immediately wrap his arms around me kissing my neck. This means your my blood slave he say smirking against my neck. I then close my eyes can't believing I actually said I would be his. So you have to address me as baby or Nikki. What I say blushing. Yes what. Yes baby. He then walk in circle around me. Let's go to your room, we then walk to my room. Lay down on your bed he say with this accent. No, I'm not gone to let you do this. Who said I was going to fuck you. I thought you did. No I'm not gone to,but I will make you feel pleasure he say smirking. I will make you use your powers for things I want.

He then pull me in his legs outside of me and lift my shirt up kissing and sucking my stomach I then moan feeling his tongue on my bare stomach. He then go higher and higher kissing every spot he pass. He then pause stopping at my breast. That's enough I say trying to move. Please let me go I will kiss you. He then stop and look me in my face. I then grab his face kissing his lips I then slip my tongue into his mouth kissing him repeatlely. I then break our kiss pushing him off of me. This is not right you have somebody, you should go. I don't have to remember he say still on top of me. Please. Fine your irritating me I want you to know that he say getting of of me pulling down my shirt. I then get out the bed looking at the ground. Your coming home with me, he say. What I can't I'm sorry. No you are its your duty to serve, plus I'm a prince I can make you do anything I want he say . why are you doing this. Because I love you.

We have school tomorrow so yeah. Do you want to be my servant he say. No I say confident, he then frown. Okay you don't have to serve me you don't love me. The contract then appear and break. He walks out the door not looking at me. I do lo I start but can't finish but he don't listen. See you tomorrow. He does not respond.

The next day I come to school to see Nicholas and that girl holding hands I then look away because of the jealousy. Hey I hear Jason say, Im so sorry about yesterday. It okay he released me so I'm not his servant, but I think it would be best if we were just friends. Yeah your wright he says agreeing. Let's get to class I say grabbing his hand. We then sit down getting ready for class. Hello class okay so today I will be choosing your partner for the town festival and don't forget it last for two days and that you have to wright a report together. Umm so Liz and Hayes, Jason and Byran,Madeline and Angie, Nicholas and Selene. I then blank out,because he's mad at me. What do you want to do first I ask, he just get up in walk out I then follow. He then stop at the tree turning around. Stop following me he say upset. Were partners we are suppose to be together. What's your problem I say getting mad. Its you, you don't care that I said I he then stop looking me in the eye. As he is about to walk away I say I love you to. Everyone then stop what there doing in look at me but he keeps walking. They then surround me screaming and throwing things at me because of what I said. I then run home crying. As soon as I go home I see that there are eggs on my home I guess the word spread pretty easily. As I enter my mom look at me with pity and ask if I can pick up my brother. Yeah of course. I then walk pass the festival with people looking at me to get to my bros school. As I walk back Liz then stop me. She then slap me causing me to fall to the ground in Nicholas just looks. As she about to kick my stomach she stop as if she being controlled Lana then walks up to me helping me up. Alright then I say . I then walk up to Liz putting her in a death hex. Lightning then comes out of no were as I say the word. Liz then back up saying please. You now no what it feels like and you know what I'm, we are capable of. The lightning then disappear as I walk of with my brother, Lana,Maddie, Angie, and Jason. In Nicholas then smirk but it disappear as soon as it comes into a frown.

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