My lovely stranger

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Nicholas p.o.v.


Just forget about it I say in my head as she runs out the limo. This time is different I swear, she just does things that turn me on but no more I say prepping myself. She probably went home I font care were the hell she went I say all to myself. She is just so damn sensitive, I then sit there in take a nap.

Hey you get up we are finish so were is Selene Matthew say getting in the car. She went home I think, oh he says a bit sad. So do you want to have a guys night out he say smirking. Yeah, sure whatever. We then drop Sarah of in go to this sports bar. So, do you think I have chance with Selene he say out of no where. Yeah I think you do, but you could do better. I could set you up with someone, but if you prefer Selene Im cool with that I say not caring if he want her. That would be cool you can set me up with someone its clear to me that she don't like me in that way he starts. Her lips are really soft you know he say. I can't but smirk knowing that I've kissed her more than anyone have but I then feel irritated. I get over that feeling fast so I will set you up with someone i say. Yep and thanks I should get going see you at school he say leaving I then get my stuff in head home.

Selene p.o.v.


Who's there I say nervous, I don't want anyone to get hurt I say really loud. You wouldn't hurt me he coming out of the shawdows with this smirk. Lucas oh may gosh you look, wow I glad its you though I was nervous. He then smirk in come over stroking my hair. I glad to see you to, so what you doing out here all by yourself you could have gotten hurt he say sitting beside me. I'm okay I can't believe it has been three years I say hugging him once again. He just smirk, let me get you out of here he say holding my hand. I would like that stranger. He chuckle in starts walking, before I know it we are back at the street. Wow thanks I say blushing so hard I mean of wasn't because his shirt was of. Do you like what you see he say getting closer. Its okay but its not that great I say backing away. So when will I see you again I say. Never he say upset, why don't you live in the castle with Nicholas I say. No I got banished. Why I say as we arrive at my place, I then invite him in. We then sit on my bed. So why I say continuing. Well I spoke out against the things he was trying to do and the council didn't like that so they banished me, Im also currently homeless and I have not been at school since six months ago he say laying back. So your that guy in my class that's never there also you can live here we have an extra room in its yours if you want. Thanks you bare a life saver in I already texted Bryan in he is cool with it to. I then show him to his room in leave him to it. I then take a shower in get in bed watching t.v . He then walks in, what are you doing its midnight i say smirking I'm just a little thirsty. Oh I say adjusting my body, my I have a taste of you he say getting in my bed. Yeah I guess you can just be gentle I say allowing him to get on top of ne , he then lower his mouth biting into my flesh sucking on every blood that escape my neck. It supprised me of how good this felt I then start to moan. I guess I never felt this because Nicholas was always upset when he drank from me. He then get out my room leaving me sleepy.

I wake up the next morning getting ready for school. Are you coming today I say to Lucas I'm coming next week when the quarter is new. Okay I say leaving, I then place my hair on my neck for no one to see the mark of his bite. I then see matt talking to this girl in he completly ignore me when I say hi he just look at me in turn the other way. I then go to class in sit by myself because matt is with that girl. The teacher then starts the class in I see Nicholas looking at me wierdly. The last ten minutes I put my hair in a ponytail completely forgetting about the bite mark. Selene could I talk to you after class Nicholas say out loud for everyone to hear. No I have something to do today I say realizing that he must have seen the mark I quickly let my hair back down. You are gone to stay, I can make you do anything I want because I'm the king and this is my country he say emotionless. Everybody in the class then go Ooooooooooooo. I just nod my head, and put my head down about to cry but I don't. Class is over the teacher say walking out with everyone following but me and Nicholas. As the last person walk out Nicholas close the door locking it. He then walk up to me pushing me against the wall . He tries to move my hair from my neck but I smack his hand away before he can move it. He then give me this look , and remove my hair from my neck. He then back away from me a little balling his hands up chewing on his lips, blood then escape his flesh. Who bite marks are they from Selene he say clearly pissed. They are from Bryan I lie he was really thirsty, I say not looking him in the eye. Don't lie to me who are they really from. They are from Lucas I say looking him dead in the eye. He still don't know his place, I can't believe you would let him drink from you Nicholas say walking back in fort, don't ever let him him drink for you or you both will be punished. I'm sorry I didn't think you would care I say. More blood then escape his lips your bleeding really bad inside your mouth I say looking at him. Yeah your right he says.

You know, know one has ever drinked one of the lords blood before. I then just look. Vampire are not allowed to drank my blood not even my wife. Oh I say looking down he then cut his wrist letting his blood drip in a cup on the teacher desk. He then kiss me and all I can feel is his blood dripping on my tongue as I swallow it forcefully. Please I say, he then put me on my back opening my mouth pouring the cup of blood down my mouth. I then start to choke on it as Nicholas kiss me biting my tongue causing it to bleed. He then pulls away unbuttoning his pants asking me how his blood taste. He then pulls my skirt down bringing my underwear with it, please stop I say closing my eyes as he took the rest of his underwear off. He then gets on top of me in I can't help but make a noise feeling his member on me. Don't take this personal but all I'm doing is marking my territory he whisper in my ear this does not change anything. He then thrust on me. I then moan trying to say stop but I cant all i do is start cry as he do this to me. It feels so good to be inside of you he say in between breath. Touch me Selene he say making eye contact making. I then hold his back moving my body in the same motion as his kissing his lips still tasting his blood. We then stop fifth teen minutes later. I then finish putting back on my close. Just know that this change nothing he say coming up behind me. Like I said all I wanted to do was mark my territory. He then walk out the classroom and I see everyone just waiting. I then hear people ask him if he is okay because they smelled his blood. Oh my gosh your blood smell so addicting, may I have one taste I mean i know its against the rules but please, one of the girls say as he pass her. He say sorry and that his blood only belong to one other person he say glancing back with a smirk on his face. The teacher then notice it in come in the room closing the door. You know nobody is allowed to have his blood its forbidden I can smell his blood inside of you. That does not go away, he mixed his blood with yours. Vampires would kill to taste there blood. So how did you force him the teacher say ending his lecture. He cut his wrist and made me drink it, he put it in a cup and forced in down my mouth I say. My I taste your blood he say walking up to me. Actually that's why he did this he does not like it when other people bite me. I then run out the room with everyone looking at me. I see some of there eye turn red for this blood he put inside me. I then go to the bathroom in wash the blood of my lips. Well that's better I think to myself. Why am I so scared, I then walk back to see Lucas waiting outside the bathroom. He then look at me weird, I then notice that all the girls are looking at him with lust but he only notice me. Let's go he say a bit irritated, he then grab my wrist pulling me to the exit. She can walk herself Nicholas says yanking his hand of me. They then just stare at each other. So do you like the gift I gave to Selene, Nicholas say growling. Lucas then pull me in the back of him, walking out the door. Hey you mad Nicholas say. You know thats against the rules lucas say getting mad. I really don't care what the rules are. My blood runs in her veins now,he say with a smirk. In I will continue to give her what I want so. So Selene how did my blood taste even if your a human witch. It tasted like, don't answer him Lucas say clearly pissed. All Nicholas do is smirk until lucas pulls me into a deep kiss he then bite my tongue sucking on my blood. His smirk then disappear as lucas stays on my mouth. You really are stupid I didn't put my elite vampire blood inside of her yet. So how so you feel Nicholas say. Lucas then tighten his grip on me. Were going home he says turning us around. Your not going home with her Nicholas say with a straight face. Why he say getting right in front of Nicholas. You wish that it was you going home with her laying right beside her eating at the same table you got your wife pregnant and I might get selene pregnant lucas says with a smirk. Nicholas then growls and I swear I saw this dark aura around him. What have you done with Selene. Well let's see he then look at me in I shake my head. He then smirk, I wanna go I say looking down. So you gave her your regular blood lucas say. Yeah, but just remember if you two try anything you will be punished. We then just walk away going home.

Nicholas p.o.v.


He fucking kissed her I couldn't believe it. When he said all those things. He will never get her pregnant, I will not allow it. I should have just killed when I had the chance. I then go home only to he thinking of what there doing now.


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