The Move

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Selene pov.


I sat on the last step of the porch looking at my old house. "Get in the car" I hear my mom say,my eyes get watery then I remember yesterday. The conversation me and my mom had,I guess she was right, does it really matter what I think. I get in the car in we drive off, everything I ever new I was leaving behind in Texas. The place I had been living in, for sixteen years. Now I am going to this place I have not even heard of. "Shit" I think to myself wondering what my high school is going to be like. My brother hit me trying to get my attention. "What" I say irritated "never mine". "Sorry Im just a bit frustrated". We spend the rest of the car drive in silent.

Until we reach this magical looking place it truly look like a fairy tale "its not that bad huh... " my mom says. "No its not" I say smiling. "So where are we". "Home", we then drive up to this place. I mean its not big like the other place we had but it's something, its only a one storie, but its wide. We go up to the door in open the door. "Wow is this big" wait till you see your room". I follow her to this semi big room, "well at least its bigger than my other room" I say smiling. "Go get your other things and start unpacking I'm going to show your brother his room"." Okay", so I go outside then find this girl on the porch "hi may I help you". "No I was just dropping by to see who moved here, auu..... I live across the street. Will you be going to Purgatory High School" she says. "Yeah, do you go there, yeah she says". "Just know that not a lot of regulars go to that school. So I guess i'll see you on Monday. I will pick you up tomorrow. Also my name is Angie." Mine is "Selene very, nice to meet you, you too. Bye, bye see you later ".

Then I go inside letting the moving people handle the rest. Once I enter my room I see that it is already set up it looks great I say trying to motivate the workers to do the rest. I then lay on my bed wondering what Angie meant we she said there is not a lot of regulars at the school. Did she mean by poor and rich people. Well atleast I don't have to wear uniforms. In just one more day I would be going to this school, just can't wait I say to myself. "Selene Sam", come to the dinning room for dinner I hear my mom say. Once I come I see that we are having pizza for dinner. Once I finshed my two slices i went upstairs and took a bath then went to sleep.

The next morning I wake up in decide to just explore this unknown place. So I get up and leave and walk across to my neighbor Angie house and knock on the door. "Hey would you be so kind to show me around "i say as she open th door" "yeah of course" she say. She grab her jacket and we head out. That's when I notice that we were outside the city like five minutes outside . So I decide to ask? "Why is this part not apart of the city". "Where not allowed because we are regular". How many of us are at the school. 'Four, us two and one girl and a boy" oh I say interested." Are you hungry "she ask me as we enter the city. Yes, I'm starving. "Would you like Chinese" no I would like The outback, "I saw one when I first came, I always wanted to try them". Actually regulars shouldn't go there she say. "Please I've always wanted to go". Well okay I guess Angie says. We walk like another fifth teen minutes until we arrive. As we enter I tell her that I will pay for it, we really shouldn't be here. Its okay, I got this I walk up to the person and ask if we can have a sit. He mugs at me then say come this way ma'am we both follow him and then we sit. Oh my gosh Angie I've always wanted to come here. "We really shouldn't be here, that's when I notice that everybody in this place is looking at us. There all so beautiful. Then someone walks up to us. "You people should leave before something happens to you'. Okay Angie's says grabbing my hand then running outside. "What's wrong," this is what's wrong we should have never went inside of there. "I'm sorry "I say its just that we could have became breakfast she say. Oh what is that suppose to mean nothing okay.

"Let's just get Chinese" I say happily "yea "she says. Once we enter the Chinese restaurant we see two other people. "These our the others regulars that go to our school" oh. "Hi I'm Selene," I'm Lana and I'm Jason "oh that's cool'. "Sit" Jason says "okay" what would you like a Lady asks. "I will take a shrimp fried rice with five pieces of chicken please". Okay the lady says then walk to the kitchen . "So this is it another one of us joining the school this calls for a celebration. Hopefully we are in the same class, yeah hopefully" I hear Lana say. Then my food comes out. "Stop Jason don't put your hands in my food" I say laughing. Then some beautiful people walk in and Jason goes silent. We should go Lana says, then one of the boys walk up to Lana in put his hands on the wall trapping Lana.

"What's the rush" he says '"nothing" then he put his mouth to her neck. "Stop" I say trying to push him, but he does not even budge. "That's enough" I hear one of the boys say he walk away from Lana. "Thank you" I say "how about you stay out of people business you bitch". "What the fu" I think you should leave before something happens" he cuts in front of me and say. "Okay "Angie said lets go as we start to walk out the guy grabs the top of my shoulder and whisper " watch yourself " i nod my head, he then let go. Then I make my way outside to the others noticing that it is dark out "bye guys" see you at school tomorrow bye" they say. Then me and Angie go to our places. Once I enter my home I tell my mom that I made three friend. Then I head to bed not telling her what happen .


Nicholas pov.

Me and my friends walk and this Chinese Restaurant to try some thing new. I enter the place and smell something so good and as I look her way all I am thinking is that I want her blood. Then suddenly this girl from our school say let's go. Hayes suddenly get mad in walk over to her causing her to jerk into the wall. What's the rush I hear him say, then he lowers his mouh to her neck. Then the girl I smelled early goes up to him trying to push him of stop she says. "That is enough" Hayes then walk away from her," thank you "she say. "How about you mind your own business you bitch". What the fu "you should go before something happens" cutting her of. I grab her telling her to watch out. She then rush out the place. "You want her don't you" I hear Hayes say "of course not I would never lower myself to those pathetic humans" I say with an smirk. Yeah your right of course I'm right like always. Let's go home I tell the others. Why would I want a girl like that she so plain, I prefer more of the slutty types of girl. I would never fall for a regular I say to myself. Then I go home, and get ready for tomorrow and go to sleep having my mid night snack.

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