Do you really care

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Selene p.o.v.


I wake up feeling more comfortable than ever. I look up to see this really really nice room. It is like five of my room. Not to mention this bed its the best with this fur covers in silk pillows. This room have a big flat screen t.v. hanging on the wall across from the bed. A computer and game area. A couch with another flat screen t.v. with a small refrigerator. And a book shelf. And more I then sit up noticing I'm dressed in someone's clothes. I then hear a shower shut off and Nicholas walk out without a shirt on. Your finally up, why didn't you take me home. Because I didn't want to. I then jump out of his bed. I think I should go home. My Mon and brother might be worried. It okay I have already called them he say walking up to me. I can't help but look at his abs. I then smile. Dont stare to hard darling. I then look up embarrassed. Wanna watch t.v. or something yeah sure I say. To be honest I could not think straight with his body showing like that. I then sit on on the couch lying my head back. I then look at Nicholas, but he is just staring at me with this look. What I say confused. He then gets closer to me. That's very tempting darlin exposing your neck like that. Do you think this some joke. Your really starting to piss me of. Running of with people you don't even now, like what the fuck. Do you do these things intentionally, he say mad. I'm sorry if I made you mad, you are so mean. I don't do these things on purpose. I don't know if you forgot but I got a life to and I will talk to whom ever I want I say. Like hell you want. I then make my way over to the door when suddenly my body goes down. I start to cry because I feel helpless. I then gain control of my body again. I kneel on my knees just sitting there crying. Nicholas then walks over kneeling holding my chin up kissing me I then return them. I then pull him closer to me touching his bare back we continued to do that for like two minutes until someone knocked on the door. I then push him of me. Open the door I say. He then go to the door he stands there for a minute and look at me worried. He then invite lord James in. Good morning I say happily. Nicholas then whisper that the lord want my blood and walk out. Wait, he does not stop. I then look at the lord I mean he is hot but I'm so scared I can't believe he would do this. He then walk up to me trapping me. He then start kissing my neck and he bites sucking my blood. He then flashes me on the bed kissing me, Nicholas then bust in the room. He get of me she does taste good he says to Nicholas. He then walk out. Hey prince is there any thing els you want me to do. What how did you know I was a prince. Found out yesterday it all came back to me when I was having my life drained. He then gets mad, I'm going home. The lord wants you to be his, he want get you though. Do you even care about me I say about to cry. Yeah of course. Really, you just let him do that to me and you so called care. I am going home. Take me home now. Whatever you don't understand he say. You know what I will just ride the bus home so bye. I then walk out ignoring what my body feels at the moment. As I reach the station I drop to the ground holding my self, crying the whole ride home. I can't believe I actually fell for him I say walikng up to the door I then open it going to my room. I get in my bed putting the cover over my head crying. My I come in baby girl I hear my mom says. No mom I don't want to talk. She then walk in and sit beside me putting my head in her lap. Mom I cared about him I wanted him to be mine. I thought he cared for me but I guess I was wrong. I was not good enough for him. humans and vampires don't mix, I say upset. Babe your gone to get your heart broken and I knew that this town were full of vampires and I need to tell you something my mom say nervous. What is it mom I say curious. Your not human baby girl your a witch I am your brothers a warlock I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. No mom this is not real I'm not a witch. You are I'm so sorry I can start to train you if you want. How come I didn't know that I had this power. You didn't know because I locked it inside of you when you where a baby I did the same to Sam. Unlock my power mom and Sam's to it's not right to hide this from us

All I wanted was for you to have a normal child hood. Mom you have to okay Sam is gonna be elevan next month. Mom he is not a baby any more. Fine get your brother and meet me to the basement we have a basement. Yes it a door it will be glowing okay. Yes mom, this got my head off of Nicholas. I then get my brother and head to the basement. Sit down my mother tell us. She then start to say a chant dunamis dunamis dunamis dunamis she continue to say she then say act of power here my call release the power I have sealed away. Me and my brother began to glow I then feel this amazing relaxation take over me. There you guys have your powers. I can't believe this i have powers. Mom when can we start training now. Okay I'll teach you an attack spell first here is a book of spells. Um also Angie and Lana are also withes so that can be your coven. How do you know that mom. Me and there moms are friends. Oh let me call them I quickly call them over. They then come. Did you guys know about the witch thing. No we found out today also they say in unison. Let's try out a spell I say happy. Also Jason is a Werewolf. What, he is hmmmmm sexy. Let's try the attack spell. Alright we then say epíthes fire then shot out our hands hitting the wall I then think out. The fire then go out. Wow your a natural I hear Lana says yeah she is. We will do the joining of our coven tomorrow. Lana then dissapear in the air. Can I talk to you Selene I hear Angie say. Yeah sure what is it. I love you, since the first time I met you I wanted you I get so jealous seeing you with other people. I want you only you. I don't know what to say Angie. Don't say anything just know I love you and I'm always gone to be here for you. I will either be here as a friend or an mate I don't care as long as I will be able to be here with you. I then hug her She wrap her hands around me kissing my cheek. We then pull apart. Your my best friend you know I say cocky. I will see you at school tomorrow she then vanish like Lana. I practice my spells for the whole night seeing what I'm capable of. Let's just say I learned a lot today I then go to sleep.

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