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Selene p.o.v.

N: Hey, good morning are you still coming over to do the project.

What the fuck how did he get my


S: yeah, plus it only eight am

N: I guess I just wanted to see you as soon as possible, also bring more clothes when you come over

S: whatever

N: you mad at me about yesterday, I am truly sorry for what happened

S: it is okay I was just a little shocked and scared. Also I don't think the girls like me

N: don't worry I would nevet let anything happen to you, don't worry about them either.

S: thank you for everything and I'm sorry for hitting you

N: its okay, you know your the only one that has ever hit me

S: really, I feel special

N: that's because you are to me, Selene I want you

S: oh I don't know what to say

N: don't say anything because I'm kidding

S: OH I feel stupid I should have known that, why would you the strongest person in the world care or have feelings for me

N: Are you starting to have feeling for me human. If you are you should not. Me and you could never happen. I don't like human in that why

S: Oh so when you kissed me you felt nothing. I feel like bullshit right now. I never even said I liked you so its like whatever. I would not want to be with a monster anyway

N: Oh so that's you how feel. I could care less, I'm engage anyway. Plus you could never handle me, but I could handle you better than Jason could ever handle you in his life

S: Don't bring Jason in this. He is none of your business. So keep him out your mouth

N: why are you two going out or something

N: answer me now

S: so what if we were

( I decide to lie)

N: so you guys are

S: yes what's it to you

N: ????????

S: yep speechless

N: no its not that, I bet I could hit spots he would never even think of baby

S: why you getting sexaul and don't call me baby. Also I would never let you take advantage of me.

N: you already did remember

S: whatever

N: you two are really going out

S: NO, but it sounded like you got jealous.

N: No I would not get jealous over something like that.

S: Why??!???

N: Why what

S: Okay why do everytime I'm around Jason you get mad. Yeah I see the way you look at him when I with him!

S: maybe I should spend more time with him would you like that!!

N: Fine I do get mad seeing you with him. It irritate me seeing him close to you. I could easily end that by killing him. Would you want that. He is stupid and weak, can't even defend himself. I swear you two would never be a thing if I'm here

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