An Unexpected Visitor

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Emily P.O.V.

Daniel came home two weeks ago and things have been going smoothly. Noah is getting bigger and he's sort of starting to teethe. Daniel asked me how I felt about having another baby relatively soon. I told him that I would need to think about it because having two babies both under the age of one I bet can be quite stressful. He agreed and we both decided to wait until Noah is a little bit older.

"What do you wants to do today, Emi?" Daniel asks me while bouncing Noah.

"I don't care. We could go to the beach," I suggest.

"I wouldn't mind going to the be-," Daniel is cut off from a knock at the front door.

Daniel hands me Noah and walks over to open the door. Jack. We welcome him in and little Carl follows him from behind.

"Hey, Jack!" I say and give him a hug.

"I thought it was time Carl meets his new buddy...if you're okay with that."

"Yes! Absolutely!"

We put both boys on the floor and we talk for a half hour or so.

"We were gonna head to the beach after we stopped here," Jack says.

"We were actually going to go too. We could pack a picnic basket, if that's what you want to do."

"I think that would be a fun idea," Daniel says.

Daniel and Jack have never had a 'good' relationship with each other. But I think because I'm here, they are on their best behavior.

"Should we start packing?" Daniel asks.

"Sure, let's do it!" I respond giving him a kiss on the cheek. I stand up and put out a hand for him to grab onto so I can pull him up.

Noah and Carl continue to play with the toy boats and trains. As we are packing, Noah crawls over to Daniel and Daniel picks him up.

"Hey, buddy. Do you want to have a picnic at the beach?" I ask him, tickling his feet.

"Ic-nic!" he screams while clapping.

"Go play with Carl while Mommy and Daddy finish packing the food with Uncle Jack," Daniel says while putting Noah back down on the floor.

"So, Jack. How has everything been going with the Stowaway?" I ask him.

"Good. We've gotten some new regulars. That's always good."

"Yea. We haven't been there in a while. We'll have to stop by for lunch," says Daniel.

We finish packing and then we get in our cars. I buckle Noah in and Daniel rolls down the top of his Aston Martin. Noah looks up at the sky and puts his hands up with the wind blowing his hair. Once we get to the beach, we put on our sunscreen and run right into the water. Daniel brings Noah into the water with his floaties on. I think Noah got some salt water in his mouth because he kept making weird facial expressions. After about forty-five minutes, we all walk back to the tables and enjoy our lunch. After we finish our lunch, Daniel suggests we hit the road. Jack agrees and we head out our separate ways.

Once we are at home, we give Noah a bath and then I put him down for a nap. Daniel and I both take showers then watch T.V. downstairs.

"Emily?" Daniel asks.

"Yea, babe?"

"I actually wouldn't mind if we started to try for another baby. Besides, Noah will be like one or one and a half by the time the baby is born."

"True. Well I'm up for it if you are," I say while nodding.

He replies with a smirk. And I know what that means.

Noah sleeps the rest of the night and Daniel and I are left in the bed with the sheets all over the place.

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