Last Day

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Emily P.O.V.

"Are you still mad at me?" Daniel asks.

"Not at you. At myself."

"Emily, you don't need to be mad. I think it's great."

"Yea. But Daniel, how am I going to do this?"

"You aren't going to do this. I told you I would be there for you and that I wouldn't leave you alone in this," he responds reassuringly.

"Thank you," I mutter as I walk into him giving him a big hug.

"Alright. Enough with sad times. It's our last day here. What do you want to do?"

"Well, we definitely have to get our last day of swimming in! Maybe we could go snorkeling or scuba diving?" I suggest.

"I would love that!" Daniel replies, "I'll go call and book a time for us to go."

"Okay. I'm going to make some lunch. Would you like anything?" I ask while making my sandwich.

"No thanks, babe," he answers.

I sit down and eat while Daniel is put on hold. He walks over to me and I give him a peck on the lips before he goes and sits on the couch. I keep forgetting that a tiny baby is inside of me. We haven't gone for an ultrasound yet but my guess is that I am around 8 - 12 weeks pregnant. Sometimes you can't even tell. Once we get back to the beach house, I think Daniel is going to book me appointment after appointment. He is overprotective like that.

"We are set for 1:20," Daniel yells from the other room.

"Okay. Thanks! I'm going to go get ready" I say as I look at the clock. It ready 12:52.

We are walking out to the car moments later with our towels, sunscreen, and our extra clothes. Once we get in the car, it's about a 10 minute ride there, so it doesn't take long at all.

"You ready?" Daniel asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be!"

When we get into the water with the instructor, he shows us all the different fish. We see lots of coral, puffer fish, and stingrays. We leave the water once our hands our all pruney.

"We have to get back and pack," Daniel reminds me.

"Oh. Please don't remind me!" I tell him.

"We can come again. With the baby," he says putting his hands on my stomach.

"I would love that!"

After driving back the the house, when we walk in, I go straight upstairs and take a shower. So far my favorite part of this trip was the swimming. And finding out I am pregnant. I think that was a bit of a shocker to both of us. When I am done, I start and finish packing. I walk downstairs and put my suitcase next to Daniel's. I find him sleeping on the couch. I walk over to where he is and lie on top of him. He stirs but remains asleep. I give him a small kiss on the lips and rest my head on his chest. A little while later his arms are wrapped around my stomach and I can't go anywhere. I just stay there and think about how lucky I am to be with such an amazing man and how our life together is just beginning.

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