Baby's Here

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Daniel's P.O.V.

Emily, Noah and I are out to eat for lunch in the city when I get a call from my mother. I let out a sigh as I look down at my phone.

"What's wrong, babe?" Emily asks.

"Oh. Nothing. I have to take this call," I say as I get up and leave the table.

I walk outside by the doors and answer the call.

"Daniel? How are you? It's been a while since we've heard from you."

"We're fine. Emily is due any day now," I said while glancing back inside.

"That's exciting!" she says but I don't know if she's being sarcastic or not.

I was about to respond with a snarky remark, but I got cut off by an ambulance pulling up to the entrance. They pull out a stretcher and wheel it inside in a rush.

"Hey Mom, let me call you back," I say. Without letting her respond, I hang up. I rush back and follow the paramedics. One stops me from going any further.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to stay back," he tells me.

"W-What's going on? My table is right over there."

"A woman called in saying she's in labor and unable to drive because she has a son."

"That's Emily. That's my wife!" I say while shoving past him.

Emily's P.O.V.

Daniel unexpectedly left the dinner table leaving me and Noah alone. I see him walk out and answer the phone, me not knowing who it is. As I'm finishing eating and feeding Noah, my stomach starts to twist. I look down and my water breaks. Since Daniel wasn't available, I dialed 911 very calmly.

While we're waiting, I try to keep Noah very calm in the restaurant. I looked up and I see the paramedics wheeling in a stretcher and Daniel following behind.

One of the paramedics came up to me and asked my personal information, i.e. age, condition, etc. Daniel pushes in front of another and rushes to my side.

"Take Noah home," I say to him.

"No, I'm not leaving you."

"Daniel, please. He doesn't need to see this," I plead.

"I'll call Nolan and have him pick up Noah."

"O-Okay," I say as the paramedics pick me up and put me on the stretcher. They wheel me out to the ambulance as my contractions worsen.

"Please hurry," I beg while trying not to cry.

"Ma'am we are almost there."

As soon as I know it, we are at the hospital and I am in a room being prepped. The doctor comes in and tells me I can start pushing. After three long, strenuous hours, the baby is born.

Daniel looks over at me and I see him start to tear up.

"Danny, don't cry. You'll make me cry," I say.

"Babe, he's beautiful."

The doctor comes over to me and asks if we have a name picked out.

"Wes Conrad," we say in sync.

At this point, Nolan was out in the waiting room with Noah playing with his toy cars. I ask Daniel go and get Noah so he can see Wes. When the two of them come back in, it hits me that this is my life. My three boys and me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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