You Don't Believe Me

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Daniel P.O.V.

When I wake up, the clock says 9:37. I go to give Emily a hug, but my arm falls onto the pillow. She's not in bed. I get up and put on some pants and go look for Emily. When I walk past Noah's room, I see blonde curls bouncing a whimpering baby. I stand in the doorway and just watch her. I sneak in behind her a gently place my hands around her waist, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Luckily, she doesn't go all ninja on me. Once Noah is sleeping again, she puts him in his crib then we go downstairs.

"So, about last night," she says with a smirk.

"Yea. About that," I respond, "You don't regret you?"

"No. Absolutely not. But if I end up being pregnant, will you be happy? Because I know I will."

"Emily," I say as I grab her hand across the island, "I will be more than happy. Scared? Yes. But there is nothing that will make me unhappy when I have you. I love you."

"I love you, too," she says as a tear slides from her eye.

All of a sudden her face goes pale.

"What will your parents think?" she asks.

"Emi, calm down. One, we don't even know if you're pregnant yet. And two, no matter what, I will be there to protect you."

"O-Okay," she says taking a big breath.

What happens next takes me by surprise. She covers her mouth and makes a run for the bathroom. Quickly, I follow behind. Rubbing her back and holding her hair, I tell her that it's going to be okay.

"Emi, I'm scheduling a doctors appointment for today. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you, Daniel."

I book an appointment for 11. Then, I let Emily go upstairs and take a shower while I change Noah and get him ready. Once Emily is dressed and ready, she brings Noah downstairs and I get in the shower and get ready. By the time all of us are ready, it's 10:30. We get in the car and head for the doctors.

Once we get there, we walk in while pushing Noah in his stroller. The doctors call us back right away and we begin the appointment.

"Hi, my name is Dr. Kershaw. So, Mrs. Grayson you believe you might be pregnant?"

"Yes," she responds.

"And what makes you think that?"

"Well, we have been trying for a baby and I had morning sickness this morning."

"Alright. Well, let's check then."

I nod towards Emily reassuringly. I mouth that everything's going to be okay then I give her a kiss on the side of her head.

Dr. Kershaw rubs the gel on Emily's stomach and then moves the wand around.

"Well, Mrs. Grayson, it looks like you are about two weeks pregnant."

Two weeks? How? Two weeks ago I was on a business trip. In California. I am so confused. I guess my emotions were showing because then the doctor asks if everything was alright.

"It's just that we has only started talking about another baby yesterday. And I was gone until two weeks ago. I didn't expect this," I say.

"How come I wasn't having morning sickness for the past two weeks?"

"Every pregnancy is different Mrs. Grayson. Some people don't have it at all and some have it to the max."

"Well, I think it's great," Emily says.

"And I think it's great, too. But it's just kind of a me at least."

Emily nods back and the doctor dismisses us. We make an appointment for three weeks later. When we get in the car, I'm completely silent. When we get home, I tell Emily that I don't feel well and that in going to go lay down. Obviously she can read right through me but doesn't push it. She stays downstairs with Noah and plays while I try to figure things out in my own head upstairs.

I head back downstairs and hour later. Emily can tell something is wrong. And I think she knows what it is that's bothering me.

"You don't think this baby is your own," she says slightly taken back.

"Well--," I get cut off.

"'Well' what, Daniel? I DIDN'T CHEAT ON YOU!"

"Emily calm down. I never said you cheated on me."

"You're right...not yet," she snaps back at me.

I roll my eyes.

"This is your baby, Daniel. Do you honestly not remember the day you got back from California?"

~~~Flashback to two weeks ago~~~
Emily P.O.V.

I'm on my way to pick up Daniel from the airport. His flight was delayed an hour but I got there early because I missed him so much. Noah is with Nolan for the weekend so that Daniel and I can have a weekend to ourselves.

Once Daniel gets off his plane, we head back to the car. He talks about his trip and I talk about how life was without him around.

We arrive back home and Daniel automatically drops his bags and picks me up, throwing me onto the couch. We go from the couch to the floor to the bed. And we end in the bed.

~~~Present day~~~
Daniel P.O.V.

"Oh, Emily," I try but I don't get anywhere, "I--"

"If you don't believe me, then we can get a paternity test and put the baby at risk. That's fine," she says while putting Noah in his Pack n' Play.

"Come on, don't be like that."

"Be like what Daniel? Because I'm not the one who is doubting his pregnant wife about whether or not the baby is his."

"Okay, Emily. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I doubted you and forgot about that night. I should have never done that."

"Yea. You shouldn't have," she says crossing her arms, "I'm going upstairs. Can you please watch Noah?"

"Yea, sure."

And with that, she walks upstairs, leaving me downstairs with Noah.

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