Not That Serious

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Daniel P.O.V.

When we arrive at the hospital, the doctors only let me go so far into the maternity ward. I sit in the waiting area and I call Charlotte.

"Daniel, hi."

I'm crying at this point.

"Char, it's Emily. She is pregnant an-and she fell. We are at the hospital," I inform her.

"Oh my gosh! Okay, I'm on my way."

"Hurry. Please."

I hang up and slouch down into my chair. 'Please be okay, Emi.' Deep down I know she will pull through. She always does.

"Mr. Grayson?"

"Tha-That's me," I say as I stand up.

"Your wife is sleeping right now, but she is in a somewhat stable condition."

"What do you mean, 'somewhat?'" I ask.

"Well, it's hard to tell right now, but all the test results came back looking pretty normal for the most part. We think that when you found her and she wasn't responding, it was because of the fall not because of anything else."

"Oh thank god," I muttered to myself.

"How is the baby?" I ask.

"The baby is perfectly fine. All is good. The baby is healthy and your wife can go home in the morning."

"Thank you! Oh, and doctor?" He turns back around, "What room is she in?"

"466," he tells me and then he walks away.

"Daniel!!!" Charlotte yells from the end of the hallway.

"Where's Emily?" she asks panting.

"Room 466. We can go see her now."

We walk down to Emily's room and I stop at the window she when I see her sitting up smiling at us.

"Come in," she says.

"Emily!" Charlotte says and runs to her side.

"You had us all so worried!"

"I'm sorry. I just felt dizzy."

"Well, you're better now," I tell her.


"How are you feeling?" Charlotte asks her.

"Eh. So-So. I'm tired."

"Well, we will leave you to rest then. You can leave in the morning. I'll be outside if you need anything," I inform her and give her a small and gentle peck on the lips.

"Ok. Thanks. I need to talk to Charlotte for a little bit," she says.

I nod and walk out.

Emily P.O.V.

"Char? Does Daniel seem a bit distant to you?" I ask.

"Yea. I realized that too. It may just be because he is scared and doesn't want to hurt you more than you already are."

I take that into consideration.

"Yea. But I'm fine."

"He is just being careful Emily. He's nervous. I can tell."

"Maybe it's--No. Never mind."

"'Maybe it's what, Emily?"

"I-You don't think he's distant because h-he's che-," I get cut off.

"Emily! No. You cannot think like that. Daniel would never do that. Especially in a time like this and now that you two are going to start a family together. Don't think like that."

"Thank you Charlotte, for always being there for me."

"It's what real sisters do," she says and gets up.

"I love you, Charlotte! Please don't tell Daniel about what I said."

"I won't, I promise. And I love you too, Emily," Then she walks out of my room and sits by Daniel.

I close my eyes and await the next morning when I can leave this place and sleep in my own bed, with my husband, and eat real food.

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