That Time

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Daniel P.O.V.

As I walk back and forth in our room getting ready, I think about all that has happened. It's been 1 month since the whole fiasco thing with Emily not knowing where I was. I'm still trying to earn her trust back. Anyway, I've planned something BIG for her; that's why I was at the South Fork. I planned a baby shower. Since Emily and my mother don't really see eye to eye with each other and her parents aren't around, I thought I could plan it in honor of them.

"Emi?" I ask tapping her.

All I hear is a 'grunt.'

"Come on, babe. You have to wake up." Emily doesn't know that the shower is today.

"I don't want to," she tries, "We're not doing anything today so why can't I sleep in?" she asks repositioning herself.

"Are you sure?" I ask with a smirk.

She immediately sits up.

"I didn't forget anything, did I?"

"No. But you have to get up because I have something for you."

"Fine," she says laying back down, "5 more minutes."

"Okay. 5 minutes. I'll be downstairs waiting."

"Okay," she says as I walk out of the room.

Emily P.O.V.

Once Daniel walks out of the bedroom, I get out of bed and walk to my closet. I pull out a mustard yellow and brownish striped shirt. It's baggy, so it fits perfectly over my baby bump. Then, I pull on a pair of black skinny pants. I walk into the bathroom and straighten my hair. As I am straightening my hair, I accidentally burn myself.

"OUCH!" I screech.

Within millionths of a seconds I hear Daniel running up the stairs.

"Emi? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I just burned myself, that's all."

"Oh, okay. Do you need anything?" he asks, wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"No, but thank you," I say turning my head and giving him a peck on the lips.

"You look beautiful, babe."

"Do I?" I ask.

"Of course. You always look beautiful."


"Shh," he says putting a finger on my lips. "Don't doubt yourself. Just because you're pregnant and have a baby bump does not mean that you are any less beautiful. You will always look stunning to me," he says leaning in for a kiss.

"Thanks. You'll have to keep reminding me that."

"I shouldn't have to," he says turning around and walking back downstairs.

After a minute or two, I go back to straightening my hair. Once I'm done with that, I do my make up. As I am putting my mascara on, Daniel yells that he is ready and will be waiting by the door.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute."

"Okay," I hear him say from downstairs.

I walk downstairs and grab my hoop earrings from the counter and quickly put them on.

"Ready?" he asks as I am grabbing my purse.


As we start driving down the highway, I ask Daniel where we are going.

"I can't yell you."

"Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets are for everyone," I say pouting.

"Oh, don't be such a baby."

As I turn my head to look out the window, my favorite song comes on the radio. I turn it up an Daniel looks at me like I'm weird or something.

"I'm so fancy..." I start to sing.

"Have I ever told you that you have an amazing voice?"

"Yes, Daniel. Like 10 thousand times."

"Okay, okay. No need to get specific," he says and we both start laughing.

"We have reached our destination," Daniel says in a GPS voice.

"What are we doing here?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

We walk into the lobby and the man at the front desk tells Daniel something that I don't exactly hear.

"This way," Daniel says as he takes my hand and follows the man.

When we walk into the big ball room, everybody in there yells, "SURPRISE!!!"

I am shocked. I had no clue this was going on. But I guess that's the idea of surprises.

For the next 3 hours, Daniel and I talk to hundreds of people, eat cake, and open presents. When it's time to go home, Daniel whispers something in my ear.

"Did you have fun?"

"Of course! Thank you so much. I loved this."

"I know you don't like surprises, but I just thought th-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Daniel, don't. I loved this. It was perfect."

"Okay. Just making sure. Ready to go home now?"

"Yes. I'm ti-erd," I say with exaggeration.

We walk out of the South Fork and get in the car. When we get back home, I walk upstairs and climb into bed. I close my eyes and peacefully drift to sleep.

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