Coming home from Chicago...Early

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Daniel P.O.V.

I was in Chicago for a business trip and I leave in 2 days to go back to the Hampton's. I had just gotten back to my hotel room after a long 4 hour meeting with potential investors. So I called Emily to check in on her.


"Hi, babe! What are you doing?" I ask.

"Nothing really," she sounds really tired, "Just put Noah to bed."

"You'll never guess what happened at work today."

"Tell me," she said. I could hear her yawn in the background.

"One client today offered to invest 65 million to Grayson Global."

"That's great," Emily said dully.

"Babe, are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Uh. Yea. I-I'm just not feeling myself right now."

"Wh-When did you last lay down? You sound pretty tired."

"I snuggled with Noah for a bit, then I came down here."

"Do you feel nauseous?"


"Drink some water, Emi."

"I have some right here," she responds.

"Are you sitting down?"

"Yea. I'm sitting at the island."

"Maybe you should move to the couch and lay down," I suggest.

"I-I don't feel l-like moving." Her words are starting to stutter.

"Love, I need you to go sit on the couch."

"O-Okay." I can hear her get up, but then I hear a loud thud.

"Emily?" I try to stay calm, "Emi? Are you still there?"

Emily P.O.V.

Daniel says I should lay on the couch and rest, but my legs feel like jello and I'm afraid if I move, I'll just feel worse. I feel really dizzy and my words are starting to slur.

I finally give in and agree to move to the couch. When I lift my leg to stand up, my knee gives out and I hit my head on the corner of the island. I fall to the ground and I hear Daniel one last time.

"Emily? Emi? Are you still there?"

I can't answer because my vision goes black.

Daniel P.O.V.

I hear the big thud and when Emily doesn't respond, I know something has happened. I call Nolan and try to explain to him what has happened. He says he'll be over at our house in less than 5 minutes.

In the mean time, I have the jet get ready to take me back home. After I'm done packing my stuff and I'm in the car on the way to the airport, I call my client and explain what happened. Unfortunately, he pulled out and decided not to invest. Right now, that was the least of my worries.

Nolan calls me and tells me that he had the ambulance come and take Emily to Suffolk Memorial hospital. He tells me also that though Emily hit her head, there should be no brain damage and she won't need stitches.

I land a few hours later and since Emily was supposed to pick me up at the airport, I have the car take me directly to the hospital.

I run into the hospital and ask what room my wife is in. The lady at the front desk tells me to 227. I quickly find her room, and I see she's laying on the hospital bed pale as a ghost. I kneel down next to her and hold her hand.

"Baby, it's going to be okay."

I feel her very gently squeeze my hand back. I get her a cup of water and I place it on her table next to her bed. She opens her eyes and I begin to tell her what the doctor told me when I walked into the room.

(I'm not good any medical stuff so sorry. I try to skip this part.)

"Emi, the doctor told me that you had a lack of nutrients in your system."

It was a shock to her to see me here.

"What-Why are you here?" she asks trying to sit up.

"Lay back down, love."

"You should be in Chicago right now. What about your investor?"

"I heard you fall so, left right away. I had Nolan come and call the ambulance. He's at home with Noah. I found out on the way to the airport that the investor pulled out."

Her face drops and she starts to tear up.

"I-It's my fault. Isn't it. I fell, you left, your investors pulled out. It's all my fault."

"No, sweetie. It's not. You did nothing wrong," I assure her, "I had to come back for the baby."

Her face drops more.

"I-Is the baby okay?" She starts hyperventilating.

"Emily, you need to calm down. Shhh."

She starts breathing slower and I rub her back up and down.

"Better, Emi?"

"Y-Ya. Is my baby okay?"

"Yes. Our baby is perfect fine."

Her face gains a little bit of color and a smile comes upon her face.

"C-Can I see it?"

"Yea. Let me go get the doctor." I leave and get the doctor to come and perform an ultrasound.

"Is that better?" I ask her.

She lets out a big breath of relief.

"Yes. I just needed to make sure our baby was okay."

"I understand. It's fine. The doctor said you could leave tomorrow."

All she does is nods. Then she turns on her side and falls asleep. I sit in the chair next to her bed and watch her sleep until I am also asleep.

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