Chapter 10

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~Nagisa POV~

"There you have it. It's my fault," I mutter as Ayato and I finish telling our family what happened.

"No Nagisa it wasn't," Ayato whispers.

"Yes it is. I thought we were ready and we weren't. And then I proceeded to get stuck so we couldn't get out in time," I mumble.

"I had no reason to doubt you. I still don't," Ayato states, "Also I voluntarily went back to help you."

"Yeah well maybe you should because I don't trust myself," I whisper, "I don't care that I got hurt but I let you get hurt and that's on me."

"Nagisa," Touka whispers.

I shake my head before getting up and walking up to my room.

~Ayato POV~

Nagisa walks upstairs and I can't help but feel bad. I knew she still blamed herself for what happened but I didn't know she took it this hard. I wish I could convince her that it wasn't her fault.

"I hope she realizes that I don't blame her," I mutter.

I also walk up to my room before anyone can stop me.

~Nagisa POV~

The next day I walked to school with my siblings quietly, none of us said a word to each other.

I walk silently to my 1st period class where I notice that Karma and a few other people from E class are sitting.

Hara notices me first.

"Nagisa! You're actually here!" Hara shouts. She runs over and I quickly hug her.

"Hey! It's been a while hasn't it," I laugh.

Isogai and Kanzaki quickly join the hug as well.

It lasts until the teacher walks in and just kinda stares at us. We all sit in the back row.

Everyone seemed to be paying attention except Karma and I. We were writing notes back and forth. We already knew this anyway.

Karma looks nervous for a second before passing the paper back to me.

Could we maybe, try dating again? I get it if you don't I just missed you and I still really like you.

I smile slightly to myself before responding.

Yeah, I'd like that.

I see him smile before hiding the note as the teacher calls on him.

After school I walk home with my siblings. Nothing special.

Touka talks about how Kaneki goes to this college too. I can't help but think this is all a weird coincidence.

Almost like it's being written for plot reasons.

[When writers block is a bitch you break the fourth wall]

Once we get home we notice mom and dad aren't home so we all just walk to our different rooms.

A few hours later Ayato and Touka come into the room and I notice Ayato has his phone out as I look towards him.

"No," I state, already knowing what he wants.

"I'm already live," Ayato responds.

"When dad finds out I will be blaming you," I whisper.

I flop onto my bed and Ayato and Touka sit on the floor in front of me. 



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