Chapter 18

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~Karma POV~

Nagisa, her family, and all the other assassins that were injured were rushed to the hospital.

Nagisa was the last out of surgery, hers lasting nearly a day.

At least she's alive.

It's been a week since the wedding.

Nagisa's parents were released. Touka and Ayato were released. Hinami was released. A few others were also released.

Nagisa still hasn't woken up.

At least she's alive.

She ended up getting a kidney removed because one of hers was shot clean through.

She had a lot of internal bleeding from all of her wounds. But the surgeons were able to fix that.


Three of her ribs were broken from being relentlessly tossed around, shot, and stabbed.

But worse of all, she might be paralyzed from the waist down because of a fracture in her spine.

They can't know for sure until she wakes up.

At least she's alive.

I had to tell myself that repeatedly as I waited for her to wake up.

Another week passed. Then another. And another.

Schools out for break. I sat in the living room of an apartment I bought that I was going to surprise Nagisa with for the holiday season as I wait for visiting hours to start.

An hour later I walk into her hospital room where she still lays unconscious.

Well I thought she did.

I grab ahold of her hand as I sit down by her like usual. Once I did that she turned her head towards me slightly with a groan, eyes almost completely shut.


I give her a second to let herself wake up more, while she does that I text Touka and Ayato that she woke up. Once she does she tries to sit herself up by gently laying her back down.

"You can't sit up right now baby you have three broken ribs," I whisper. She nods slightly.

A nurse comes in to check her vitals and once she leaves Nagisa's family walks in.

"Auntie!" Ichika shouts, making grabby hands up towards the bed Nagisa is on. Being the smart kid she is, she finds a way to climb up onto the bed and lay next to Nagisa.

Nagisa smiles slightly and lightly wraps an arm around her niece.

About a week later, I walk into the hospital room and Nagisa is sitting upwards and looking out the window in her room.

When I walk in she looks towards me and smiles. I walk over and hug her lightly. She hugs me back. We stay like that for a while without saying a word.

I missed her so much.


I have a meeting qith my counselor when I'm supposed to update so heres todays update an hour and a half or so early.


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