Chapter 16

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~Nagisa POV~

Kaneki and Touka decided to have their wedding a few months after Touka gave birth to their daughter, Ichika.

I was forced into being a bridesmaid so I was in a dressing room with Karma, my plus one, getting ready.

"Stupid weddings with their stupid dresses," I mutter as I flatten out the dress I'm wearing.

Karma comes up behind me and hugs me, "You look great baby."

I smile slightly. He always knows how to calm me down. I have no idea how I got so lucky. I turn around and lean my head on his shoulder, hugging him back.

I can't help but think about how this wedding could possibly go wrong. Karma noticed that.

"Hey. Worrying is the bride and groom's job," He whispers.

"I know but I can't help it. With what my family does for a living so much could go wrong and I really don't want to lose my sister, future brother-in-law and niece," I mutter.

"Nothings gonna go wrong baby," He ensures.

"I really hope you're right Karma."

Unfortunately he wasn't.

After Touka and Kaneki share vows a group of men break into the venue and shoot at some of the staff.

"You assassins should really have been smarter than this. Don't you remember why you all left Tokyo five years ago in the first place?" The apparent leader hisses in a dry tone.

"Babe, what is he talking about?" Kaneki asks Touka.

"That's... a very long story that I can't tell you honey," Touka responds.

"It's been eight years since this fight began. I'm about to end it with our victory," The leader states.

"I don't think so old man," I hiss.

The room quickly breaks into a huge fight.

I see Karma and Kaneki helping to get people outside to safety.

The door frames collapse causing no way to enter or exit.

"Remember me?" A guy hissed as he stepped out of the shadows.

I recognized him immediately which gets us distracted. Within seconds I feel three shots go through my stomach and I fall into blackness.

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