Chapter 12

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~Nagisa POV~

I was woken up on a Saturday morning to Touka rushing into my room and shaking me awake.

"Touka. It's Saturday. Go away," I mutter, lightly trying to hit her arm. It didn't go as well as I would have hoped.

"No, I need you to wake up, it's an emergency," She states quickly.

I sit up, "What is it?"

She pulls me and drags me to her room, and then to her bathroom. I raise an eyebrow. What is she doing?

She holds something up in front of me. Once I register what it is I gasp, "Oh you're so dead."

"What am I supposed to do?" Touka whispers.

"Do you want to keep it?" I ask.

"I- yeah? I would like to. I don't know about Kaneki though. You're the first I've told. What about mom and dad?" She responds.

"You're 24 Touka. If you want to keep your baby, mom and dad can't force you to do anything you don't want to do," I state.

"But they can try," Touka mumbles, "They did with you."

"I was 17, and I myself didn't want it, thats different than your current situation. Plus sooner or later they have to realize that we are adults. Rather sooner than later yeah?"

She hesitates before nodding.

"Good. Now, call Kaneki, you can't hide this from him. He deserves to know," I state.


"No. You have to tell him," I stand my ground.

"Can we tell Ayato first?" Touka whispers.

I sigh before nodding.

We both walk over to Ayato's room to wake him up.

I jump onto his bed and push him off.

Once he sits up I hand him his hearing aids.

"What the hell?" He yells after he puts them in.

"Payback for the first day of college. Touka has something to tell you," I respond in a monotone.

"Fair enough. What's wrong?" Ayato asks.

"I- I'm pregnant," Touka mutters.

"Wait really?" Ayato asks.

Touka nods.

Ayato jumps up and pulls her into a hug, "Congrats!"

Touka smiles before hugging back.

"How am I going to tell mom and dad?" She asks.

"I would tell Kaneki first," I mutter, passing her, her phone.

She nods before dialing his number. She hesitates but eventually hits the call button. She puts the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" Kaneki answers.

"H-hey babe," Touka stutters.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh can you meet me at the coffee shop in the commons?"

"Yeah sure," He answers before hanging up the phone.

"Good luck," I state as she puts her phone away.

"You're coming with me," she states.

"Ha! Nope that's your baby daddy," I laugh.

"If you help me tell Mom, Dad, and Kaneki I will help you convince mom and dad to let you move into the dorms," Touka responds.

"How did you know I wanted to move into the dorms?" I ask.

"I heard your phone call with Karma yesterday," Touka responds, "The one where you told him you wanted to move into the dorms but couldn't?"

"I know what call you're referring to. Fine I'll help," I snap.




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