Not bad, cod do better...

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Killua returned with the pizza.
Gon and Alluka returned with the burgers and drinks and Kurapika and Leorio returned with utensils and napkins after refueling the car and walking around the tiny snack department.

Eating out like this was actually nice.
No fighting or drama, just food and sunlight.

"This is a really nice place" Kurapika and me was on the same page.

I finished a pice from the Pizza Killua and I shared. "Super nice".

"After eating we only have like two hours more of driving and we should be at the lake".
Leorio pointed out.

Gon lit up, Gon had missed fishing.

"....yeah" Alluka was quietly mapping out a plan in her head on how to win (Y/N)'s affections.

"You okay Allu-chan?"
I  asked cause she was looking like she was planning a murder in her head.

"Huh?" Alluka looked up and looked back down with pink cheeks.
She nods and begins eating with more gusto. But anyone could see she was bothered by something.

Killua turned to his sister also a bit concerned.
Even if they argued like cats and dogs she was still his little sister and he cared about her. So if something was truly bothering her he wanted to know.

"I'm fine".
She insists and avoids anymore questions.

"Alright" Killua gives in a bit deflated.

"....." I watch then go back to my own food thinking I should stay out of it now when I finally had some peace and quiet to eat my food.

After lunch I hobble away to the trash section to empty the trays.

"I'll help you!"
Alluka snatched the rest of the junk and left her brother and the others in the dust.

I smile at her and discard the trays next on a mountain of used tray's.
She's pretty cute when she's happy like this.

We return to the others already waiting by the car "(Y/N) can I ask you something?".

"Yea sure".

"....I know I asked before but what do you think of my brother?"

I pause.
"What I think? i don't honestly know... I thought he hated me and now all of a sudden he's been, really nice?... I'm a bit confused".  I can't understand my own opinion of him yet. But if I told her I found him more scary? 

She'd be sad right?
And if I said he's pretty? he is pretty.... and now when I think about it I might form a crush on him if his nice side stays permanent. 

Wait.... WAIT WHAAATTT!?!?

I can't be crushing on Killua can I?.....can I...?

Killua/Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now