Never trust unlicensed puns - always check they're o-fish-al!

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Finally the car ride is over.
We are at our destination and for the first hour our camp has been split into three groups.

Me and Kurapika doing the inventory.
Leorio and Alluka building the tents and placing the sleeping bags.

Gon and Killua had rushed off to collect firewood and whatever we needed from the forest.

"(Y/N), i've been meaning to ask".

"Yeah Kurapika?"

"It's about Killua and Alluka..."

Oh? did Kurapika notice as well?
"Yeah! it seems like there was a misunderstanding".

"Misunderstanding?" Kurapika blinks.

"Killua thinks I'm interested in Alluka-chan and Alluka-chan is upset that I'm taking up so much of her brothers time". I explain with a little giggle "It's kinda cute, don't you think?".

"Eh.... is that what you think?"
Kurapika was confused, hes picked up a completely different explanation to the siblings recent warfare.

"Am I wrong?"
I ask, "It's the most logical conclusion, there can't possibly be anything else right?".
I must beat down my own hopes so it will be easier to leave when time calls for it.

"I mean... yeah sure that's definitely it" Kurapika didn't intend to dig deeper.
He was already seeing how Alluka was tossing him and (Y/N) longing glances and was openly glaring at Kurapika, willing him to switch team.

Kurapika felt sorry for (Y/N).


(With Alluka and Leorio)

"Alluka, if you keep glaring like that you are going to creep them out" Leorio said while fixing the last touches on the tents. "Just go over and talk to (Y/N) instead".

"NO!!!!" She freaked out.

Leorio flinched by her determined yell "Okay... then don't?".

Alluka went back to the sleeping sacks rolling them out.
"(Y/N)-kun said that he didn't like Killua" She explains.

"Legit, Killua was about to beat him up remember?"
Leorio ponders over the strange bipolar attitude of Killua's "Now he seems fine with him all of a sudden".

"My brother definitely likes (Y/N)" Alluka said.

"I see...." Leorio didn't want to get involved either.

"Oni-chan can't date (Y/N)!!!!"
Alluka stubbornly insists "(Y/N) isn't allowed to date anyone!".

"Ehm... Kiddo, you can't decide who (Y/N) goes out with" Leorio came face to face with Alluka's bloodthirsty expression.

"(Y/N) belongs to me and Nanika!"

"Wut? Alluka are you hearing yourself? besides aren't you a bit too young?" Leorio scolded.

"I don't care! right Nanika? we don't care about any dumb age gap" Alluka's face switched.
"Aye" Nanika agreed.

"See!!! It's just a year it's practically nothing!" Alluka returned to normal.

"Urgh...." Leorio groaned feeling sorry for himself.


(With Gon and Killua)

"Gon, I think im sick"
Killua said out of nowhere. 

"Sick? like how?" Gon asks while fishing.

"(Y/N)... I have been thinking and..."
Killua begins.

"(Y/N)? what about him?" Gon asks.

"I think I have... ahem....might have a crush on him Gon" Killua confesses.

"You think?" Gon asks like he already knows.

"Wait... you knew!?" Killua backtracks.

"Well yes? it was so obvious; you have obsessed over him since the hospital and you went from wanting to Kill him to fighting over his attention with your sister who you surrender anything to?"

"....Damn..." Killua knew Gon was sharp at times but he must have been really obvious.
"But (Y/N) hates me!"

"Hate? Nah..., scared of you; yes" Gon clarified.

"Urgh! what do I do Gon!?" Killua begged for advice.

"Be honest and take his rejection like a man" Gon simply advices.

"What kind of friend are you!" Killua yells out feeling butt-hurt.

"The honest one" Gon burned his bestie with no remorse.

Killua turns around "I promised him something, I'll be stepping out with him for a few days; alone".

Alone? "A Date?".
Gon whistled.


"Sure" Gon agreed.

"I will have to leave Alluka here with you guys" Killua came to the real question.

"You don't have to ask Killua"
Gon for once smiles like a friend and Killua smiled back.

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