Previous on whatever this fic even is...

476 16 4

They finally reach civilization and Killua skids to a stop.

"Were out" Killua announces.

The teen in Killua's arms opens his eyes and looks around feeling a bit carsick. 
A few feet away is a random bus stop and a few buildings and the occasional car.
"It's not even been an hour" (Y/N) is pretty amazed by how fast Killua was running.

"How can you be this fast!?" (Y/N) freaked out.

Killua realised that (Y/N) wasn't a Nen user or knew about Nen.
"W-Well" Should Killua tell him? "That was Nen" Killua ended up telling him because spending time with them would eventually expose (Y/N) to Nen either way.  

"Nen???" (Y/N)'s eyes grew "Explain!" he demanded.

Eyes large and sparkly catching Killua off guard.

"I'm not supposed too....ehm...." (Y/N)'s is too close!
Killua can't say now to (Y/N). "I'll tell you about it".  Killua ends up explaining Nen to (Y/N) who eagerly listens and nods.

"Woah.... " 
Then he looks up to Killua "That's so cool! you are amazing Killua!".

Killua turns pink from the praise.
"I....I mean" Killua can't lie to himself any longer.

He's crazy in love with this guy.

"So Killua? what bus are we taking?" during Killua's inner fan-girling (Y/N) had hobbled over to the bus stop.

"We don't need to take any vehicle" Killua walks over and picks (Y/N) back up.

"Wait are you going to run like that again!?" (Y/N) felt both excited and very against the idea.
He thought the whole Nen thing was cool for sure but it was kinda scary ...and embarrassing being carried like a princess.

"Well it's cheaper for one" Killua pointed out and said "Plus I'm faster than the buss any day".

Cheap in many ways Kill.
(Y/N) thought for himself making sure he was holding Killua tightly "F-Fine... but be careful".

"Keep your mouth closed, wouldn't wanna eat a fly right?"
Killua harrumphs like he'd been insulted but really, he was just hiding how much he was loving the moment.

Getting to Hold (Y/N) close like this, he'd use any excuse to carry him.

"I mean it! we might get a cold from the draft!" (Y/N) made a piss poor excuse that could actually be turned into reality.

Killua thought for a second and let (Y/N) back down and pulled something off from his body
"wear this then" (It was Killua's jacket).

He's handing me his freaking jacket!?!?!?!?! 😳

While (Y/N) is busy freaking out and blushing over Killua offering his jacket, Killua took the initiative and wrapped it around (Y/N) and pulled over the hoodie  "There, snug and warm~" Killua teases.

(Y/N)'s face feels overwhelmingly hot "T-Tha...are you sure???"
(Y/N) has no idea how to react. Not to Killua handing him his jacket like a gentleman on a date.

Killua picks (Y/N) up and noticed how red faced the boy already was.

*Poof!* 🤯
".......Y-Yeah..." Killua looks ahead his grip tightens even more while his heartbeat quicken.
Don't Kiss him! KILLUA RESIST, RESIST !!!!!!

Killua refused to look at (Y/N), obviously because the teenager in his arms was making such a precious and adorable and cute and kissable and super Kissable... did Killua say Kissable???

The air around them charged and with a zap Killua charged off the road well over the legal speed limit.

Killua/Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now