Not even Pizza can save you now

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Killua was growling while picking at his pizza.
Gon was sitting next to him looking bothered.
Kurapika and Leorio walked out from the kitchen with their share of pizza.

"(Y/N) and Alluka hasn't left her bedroom yet" Gon said.

Leorio walked over and knocked on the door "Kids? there's pizza in the kitchen"
Alluka opened the door "(Y/N) is sleeping and I'll eat in here" Leorio was puzzled.

"Why can't you eat with us?"

Alluka glared at Killua "Not until Oni-chan learns how to behave" quickly  she stole the pizza plate from Leorios hands "Thank you for the Pizza Leorio" with that she stomped back inside her room, closed the door locking it.


Leorio turned to Killua and Gon "What was THAT about?" Gon tossed a look at Killua and carefully worded afternoon's events "Killua had another questioning after you both left and it ended like this".

Kurapika nods at Gon's explanation.

"Killua went too far since he doesn't like (Y/N) close to his sister" Leorio translated, making Killua look up from his pizza.

"So you all trust him???"

"Killua... he doesn't seem to be lying and he seemed genuinely scared" Gon said his part.

Killua looked slightly betrayed and left the table to sulk in his own room for the night.
Gon shook his head with a small smile  "oh Killua..."


(Y/N) opened his eyes, yawned and sat up from the bed.

Alluka was sleeping soundly right beside him with a half eaten pice of Pizza, the room was lit by it's ceiling and it was already pitch black outside. "when did I fall asleep?" he felt Alluka shiver next to him and realised she was basically about to fall of the bed.

Being the nice one (Y/N) helped her back into bed and wrapped the cover around her so she wouldn't freeze to death. his eye's then fell on the pizza and couldn't help it "Pizza"

(Y/N) took one and saved the piece Alluka already started on for politeness sake.
 (Y/N) decided to store it in the fridge for her. Only stopping at the door "Wait.... will HE be luring outside?" That silver haired monster named Killua... would he try attack me when his angel little sister was asleep? "I can trust Allu-chan but sure as hell not THAT... pity the pretty ones are the psycho ones" 

Carefully (Y/N) pried the door open after unlocking the door, he took the liberty to spy down the hallway. Nothin.... good.

he quickly hobbled to the kitchen and looked around for some plastic wrap.
quickly storing the piece and closed the door to reveal a pale looking face holding a frown.

The monster covered (Y/N)'s mouth holding him against the fridge much to (Y/N) horror.

"Hush!" He hissed.

(Y/N) struggled like crazy but it was like fighting an effing wall.
This guy! what the hell was he made of!? 

"Stop struggling! I'm not going to hurt you!"

"Mpfh mmm! uuh" Yeah sure!

"..*The sound of a door opening and heavy steps*.."
Killua panicked and ushered behind the small island counter "Huh? did Kurapika forget the lights again?" Leorio asked himself and shut them off.

"What? it's just Leorio?" Killua relaxed then "Ouch!" (Y/N) bit his hand.

"Let go of me!"

"You ass!" Killua moaned "I was trying to apologize!"

"When your not even sorry!?"


"You are just saying this to get back into Allu-chan's good graces!"

Killua let go and sat back up.

(Y/N) blinked and looked up (He was sitting on-top of (Y/N) and (Y/N) were lying on his back) "I'm just worried about her".

"I know... I have a family I used to look after too, so I get it; but do I honestly look like a threat to you right now?" Killua fixed (Y/N) with a stare then blushed beet red completely climbing off.

Killua/Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now