Kinda hot

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After all that running Killua and Y/N reach the place where Y/N and  Alluka had been held and there was still some pepole walking around and clearing the place out.

Y/N pulls at Killua's arm and hisses "Are we going to die!?" he turns back to look while ranting "Oh no's" and "Damnit's!".

"Shh... we're going to be fine, I'll protect you" Killua lifts his hand, his fingers already in claw-mode. "Stay here" he said and snuck up on the guards and quickly knocked them out.

But there is a hidden guy who launches behind them and before Killua is about to react Y/N quickly kicks their attacker in the crotch out of nowhere and then in a panic kept stomping for dear life "OH HELL NOOO lay of Killua you creep!!"

Killua was a bit stunned (and immensely proud and flattered).
Watching Y/N beat the guy up to protect him was kinda hot....

Y/N suddenly put too much weight on his injured leg and paused while hopping around hugging it "Ow! ouch! shit that hurt! is he dead yet!?".

Killua swooned right then and there
Is he dead yet? Killua chuckled and poked the guy with the sole of his foot.
The guy was almost waking up so Killua quickly and cleanly hit the guy and the guy twitched and slumped before Y/N could notice.
"No idea wanna look?".

"......" Y/N gives killua a look before not even 3 seconds later standing next to Killua, stick in hand; poking the unmoving lump "Is he really dead?".

"Idk....might be" Killua looks at Y/N almost endearingly. 
It was very easy to just sit back and admire Y/N who was probing the unconscious guy like the man was a dead  frog by the side of the road.

Y/N was truly adorable, cute and...and...


"hmmm?" Killua was mesmerized.

"Killua!!!" Y/N dropped the stick and tugged his arm "Let's go already".

Damit Y/N!
 "....right"  Moment ruined.

Killua/Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now