Shining ash

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~Shine, bright morning light,

Now in the air the spring is coming.~

The morning was barely even awake itself as I, a youth of questionable age secretly prowled the silent night. the streets empty and vast looking, both tired and hungry I wished for the warm bed at home. a long warm shower.

That thought made my haste, paddling over the small intersection a fraction quicker.
It was late august and school had started only last week.
I secretly filled my  nights with work, work noone, not even my family knew of... especially my overbearing but only loving father.

He was the overbearing sort and overprotective to the point of suffocation.
But he was your father after all, that is why you were doing this.
pretending to be home in the old apartment sleeping.

~Sweet blowing wind,

Singing down the hills and valleys.~

I occupy myself with the short song as i raised my gaze to watch for any incoming cars.
it was crucial, very important i got home without incident, so here and there i looked like a haunted rabbit on lookout for any predator lurking in the shadows. 

~Keep your eyes on me, Now we're on the edge of hell.~

I reached the apartment without incident.
the last part of my salary in my grasp, I hid it in a few old books on my shelf.
Then I took that shower and left for bed.

(2 days later)

I was finally feeling lighter.
Holding the money I had saved and changed at the bank.
All I had to do now was to put it in it's rightful place and keep up the lie with a lighter heart.
then after doing that. I looked up and hurried back to school.

The afternoon rolled around and school finally let up.
I happily talked with everyone and promised to show tomorrow as usual.
I spoke to my BFF on the phone, joked and laughed about our futures and all the fun we would have together.... a normal day more than anything else.

Then it happened.
while walking down the busy street, listening to music, partly deaf to the world around me.
I noticed an old woman and her grandchild cross the square to the train tracks.

The crowd went ballistic now running and screaming.
The Grandma grabbed her grandchild and flung herself out of the way but she was near the tracks. So hitting the ground the child flew over and into the air much to her horror.

"Noooo!!!!! Gabe!"

I quickly dropped my things and flung myself over the railing from the opposite side of the tracks, the child hit the railway and only seconds later I hopped down and quickly sprinted over to the confused and crying child. I looked around hoping to see some help.
The train rolled in so I grabbed the kid and flung him back onto the platform. 

The sound of the train was only a few seconds away.

I could hear it's skidding brakes.
pepole screaming..... then my phone ringing.

Then all I could see was a bright light, feel immense pain in my body before blacking out.

~~ Dear my love, sweet morning light,

Wait for me, you've gone much farther, too far...~~

Killua/Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now