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Gon walked in to breakfast.

Killua and Alluka fighting over (Y/N)'s attention who looked really miserable.
It was an interesting turn because Killua rarely took to another person EVER.... Leorio and Kurapika were both keeping a safe distance while eating and talking amongst themself about how (Y/N) became so popular that quickly.

"Good morning Gon"

"Morning Kurapika!"
Gon sat down and took a pancake amazed how good it tasted. "wow! who made it?"

Alluka turned to Gon with hearts in her eyes "It's so tasty!" She again hugged (Y/N)'s arm and the boy hid his discomfort behind a practiced smile Gon could pick out any day because he had that skill too.

"I see"
Gon only reflected (Y/N)'s smile because he didn't want to get involved in a fight with the Zoldyck siblings this early in the morning. (Y/N) flinched and looked very betrayed.

"Killua, Alluka let (Y/N) eat, the poor guy hasn't been able to have a single bite"
Leorio flipped the page of his newspaper. (Y/N)'s eyes shone with immense gratitude towards Leorio.

Alluka and Killua frowned but did as Leorio asked.
And as soon as they let go of him he quickly finished his pancake (That had since long turned cold. he liked his pancaked warm plus the cream had melted and made the whole dish look greasy). "Thank's for the food"

He climbed off his chair and gathered dishes and discarded junk.
Submerging the plates and utensils he limped out of the kitchen and decided to take some fresh air. 

Killua/Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now