🪐connie is home 🪐

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The next morning was the day that Connie went home . Steven was helping Connie pack her stuff in her bag , Connie tail swing and try to grab the bag but it drop on the floor with a soft bang . Moments later the gems came up the stairs quickly .
Pearl " what happen , are you two ok ?"
Pearl could feel a anxiety rise up when she look at the two .
Connie " sorry pearl my bag fall I try to hold it with my tail but it didn't work "
Pearl wipe off the anxiety sweat off her and help Connie with her bag down the stairs , Connie follow her and then sit at the table .
Pearl " want some breakfast Connie "
Connie look up from her book and nodded softly , Steven was looking out at the window seat it was vet day aka father and son day with his dad which mean a vet trick to take hike to the vet .
Connie " can I try a bug bar please "
Pearl look at Connie and smile and grab one of steven homemade bug bars that Pearl made her self for Steven .
Pearl " Steven your father won't be here till Connie leaves , here Connie I bake some for you if you like these "
Connie grab the bar and crunch down on it , she can taste the bugs and the flower of the bugs in the bar .
Steven " I want a bug bar Pearl "
Pearl " ok Steven , Connie how does it taste ?"
Connie swallow the last bite of the bar and give a thumbs up to Pearl .
Connie " it was so good , can I have some to take home "
Steven " you are half lizard but corrupted  part of the way "
Connie " don't tell me my tongue be lizard long "
Steven " half lizard long I think because you half monster "
Pearl gave Steven a bug bar and sit next to Connie
Pearl " don't worry next changes will happen during spring or summer might be slowly like the tongue it will happen for a month but no problem "
Connie " you know my mom will give me a check over she still has the checklist you gave here about my changes "
30 mins before 12:00 Connie got pick up by her mom and dad , at least her and Steven play tail tag with the twins before she had to leave  . When she got home her mom did a well check up over Connie .

Priyanka " tail 4 inch it was 3 last time , back normal , teeth normal , tongue normal , and head not normal "
Connie " yeah my horns came in when I was there , sorry mom I didn't tell you "

Priyanka " it's fine honey , at least you not growing anymore arms "
Connie " I still have half of my form mom , like tongue and scales and um the third arm but that all will happen over the summer and I was going ask you if I stay with Steven till I'm done "
Priyanka sigh and pull off her gloves  off , she throw them away and then look back at Connie
Priyanka " I don't know half of these new thing I want to be there for you I wasn't there for your tail but I want to be there for the rest ok "
Connie " but the pain I will go through during this will you hear me in pain mom "
Priyanka " I be fine plus I hear you in pain all the time "
Connie nodded and hug her mom and then went to her room and grab new clothes and went to take a shower . Connie chapter is just beginning

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