🪐spring time again 🪐

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Connie woke up of birds chirping outside , it was finally spring time and finally can go back outside . Connie quick get dress and then she noticed something on her when she look in the mirror , it was on her head was that horns .

( time skip because i can )

when Connie got to Steven beach house , Steven was hiding under a blanket  on the cough . Connie pick up the blanket " Steven what you doing ". Steven look up at Connie and smile " the twins they been trying to bit me all morning , wait why you here " .  Connie sigh and point to her head at first Steven was confused but after Connie explained what she saw this morning " and that what happen i look in the mirror and boom  " . Steven sniff the horns and look at Connie " well your not getting monster feels are you because that from when i turn you into a corrupted " .  " but why is it happening  now  i cant be corrupted" said now worried Connie  she look at her monster boyfriend " can you stop it ? " .  after hours of trying and healing spit the horns stay . " im i stuck with them like my tail ?" Connie is more tired and worried then every . Steven and the gems try there best to help Connie with her problem. " Connie about you go home and rest " said garnet " it be fine if you rest " .  amethyst that was on the table eating a bag of chappps  " look on the bright side you have two coat racks on your head " amethyst laugh and then " amethyst " said everyone but amethyst her self .

to be continued ......

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