Chapter 25 Arising Concerns

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Unknown POV:

I watched as things progressed, I gazed into the orb which was my only way to view my world... I was the author of this story. The one who controlled it all. A familiar figure appeared beside me. "Ah Sans... Hello there" I said to him. "Sup, just came to say hey... I also feel that there's someone here that I have a 'bone' to pick with" He said making a pun. "... It's not them Sans. That brat is in timeline purgatory" I explained. "The who is it? You know who they are I know you do... and if it isn't them that makes this more concerning" The skeleton said. "I can't tell you unless you want the timeline to implode" I stated. Sans just stood for a sec. "I understand" He replied before dissappearing

Susie POV:

I woke up and went downstairs I got myself some cereal and then sat down at the table scratching my stomach. "Hey dad..." I said looking down as he sat at the table. "Hello Susie... something on your mind?" He asked me. I remembered my dream from last night. What I saw him do and what he had done in the past. It made me sad and angry at the same time, scared and enraged... I didn't know how to feel. "..... Are you.... Are you ever going to beat me again? Beat me for being a fuck up... for being a... a mistake?" I asked him. My dad's eyes widened for a bit and then he looked down. ".... never again. Susan honey I was being cruel on you... I realize it now... I've never told you this before but... I managed to.. well speak with a therapist" He told me.

"You did? When?" I asked him. "June 3rd. I had had enough of running and decided to face my problems instead of forcing you to do it..." He said. "W-What do you mean?" I asked. "Susan the reason I always did this was well.. your mother when she died I had so much rage so much sadness... I took it out on you and it... it made me feel worse... and the cycle got worse... and I tried to run from the grief and take it out however I could.... but I realized that's not what your mother wants" He explained as I saw tears leak from his eyes. "S-So you won't beat me... d-despite me being a mistaken birth?" I asked my father crying a bit as well as I remembered mother. How she was so nice and made my dad so happy.

"I promise as long as I'm here I won't" My dad simply said. "...Thank you" I replied hugging him. "... Thank you for enduring with my bullshit" He replied. "Hey I ain't over it just yet.... but ya changing helps" I replied giving a slight smile. "... I hope so" He simply replied before then looking down. I started to eat again and after a while my dad finished his and looked at me. "Susie, I want to let you know I'll be going out today again" He said. This concerned me because he had recently been going out of the house at random. I knew that he would used to go get Alcohol sometimes and also do his job but today was Saturday. Why would he go out?

"Why?" I asked. "I'm putting in overtime" He said before getting up and getting dressed before then leaving. "Stay safe okay, I'll be back tonight" He said before leaving. I just shrugged and then decided to walk upstairs and get on my Xbox. It was just an Xbox 1 not the S or X. I barely even got the money scraped together for the damn thing working at QC's. I called (Y/N) up and started to play the Xbox. "Sup dude?" I asked booting up Halo MCC. "Not much sup with you?" He asked me. "Nothing really. Wanna do something on Xbox live?" I asked him. "Sure" (Y/N) replied.

"Halo?" I asked him. "Sure, wanna have a Sabre fight?" He asked me. "Sure I don't see why not, I'm no fighter pilot though" I replied hopping onto the Halo Reach forge world. (Y/N) and me spawned our own Sabre class fighters and then took off. I opted to use missiles aiming for the enemy fighter. I fired but (Y/N) did a barrel roll at the last second before looping behind me. "Oh shit" I cussed before hearing machine gun fire. The fighter's shields went down so I boosted towards the cavern. I flew under and then saw (Y/N) above me. Before he could do anything I flipped the Sabre around and blasted some missiles at him.

His Sabre took the hits and was shielded and smoking. I smirked and swapped to machine guns before opening fire. (Y/N) hopped out of the fighter and it exploded. As he fell he took out a dual tube rocket launcher he spawned in. "Oh you sneaky dude" I said before he fired both missiles at my fighter blowing it up. "Heh GG" I said genuinely impressed. "Well I do my best" He replied. "Yeah, well fight me on the ground ya coward and we'll settle it there" I replied arming myself with a DMR and a grenade launcher. "Sure" He said before flying in with a jet pack and firing off a DMR. "Oh shit" I said going for cover. I fired back with the grenade launcher hoping some would hit him. I then heard the whoosh of the Jetpack and (Y/N) assassinated me. "Damn, well now I better get serious" I said with a smirk.

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I wiped my knife in the snow getting the dust and blood off it. "Your existence sickens me" I said to my target, a red skinned buff monster. "F-Fuck you" He spat before turning into dust. "Heh, how about fuck you" I chuckled as I dusted my shirt off. "Ugh this vessel is limiting and it's SOUL resists" I sighed before making my knife disappear. "Heh once I'm done playing with my main target I'll use his vessel" I said chuckling at the havoc I was about to unleash.

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