Chapter 38 Conviction

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(Y/N) POV: 

I woke up in my bed. No school today meaning I could further investigate the case of my  wrongfully convicted girlfriend. Well I hoped she was still my girlfriend. All I knew at the moment was I didn't frame her. Last night I was out getting her a surprise gift and didn't want to spoil it but she just pushed me away. I looked down and curled into a ball on the floor of my room and started crying. It was over. Over and I couldn't do a damn about it. I cried for about 5 minutes before getting up again. Me and Susie may be through but hell if I was going to let her rot in a prison cell. I sighed and wiped my tears before getting dressed and going outside. I walked and then started thinking about who had a grudge on Susie. Who would frame her for this. 2 people instantly came to mind. Berdly and Catti. I decided Catti was first.

Due to it being a Saturday I knew I'd find the feline monster working her job at QC's diner. I opened the twin doors and then saw Kris sitting at a table near the window sill. "Hey Kris" I said as I sat across from them. They had a cup of hot coco in their hands and were drinking it slowly. The finished their sip and waved as I sat down. "How you doing dude?" I asked. They gave me a thumbs up and looked at me with a "how about you?" look. "Not the greatest. I admit it things have been hard. Hey you wouldn't happen to know anything about Susie getting framed would you?" I asked the pale human. Kris shook their head. "Darn. if I'm being honest one of my first suspects is here" I whispered to Kris. They nodded in response before getting up and leaving. 

I saw Catti sit down at a table and stretch before taking her phone out. I took the opportunity and slid in. "Well well, if it isn't (Y/N). Sorry dude but I'm on my break, if you want to order stuff you gotta wait" She said snarkily. "That's not why I'm here. Where were you the night before Susie was convicted?" I asked Catti. "I don't have time for this" She sighed. "Answer the question or I'll assume your the culprit" I told her. "Ugh whatever, wanna know so bad? I was here at work. I worked from 5:00 to 10:00PM. Ask my boss she can vouch for me" Catti told me. "uh huh. Okay and where were you before work?" I asked Catti. "I was at home after school, I was on social media doing a live stream. In fact you can watch it if you don't believe me" She said. "Uh huh. Alright then I'll see you around" I said to Catti before leaving.

One suspect down, that left one more. Berdly. I could already assume where he would be. I walked into the library and then closed the door. I saw him reading a book relaxing in his chair. "hey, where were you night before Susie's conviction?" I asked Berdly. "Pfft like you need to know" He said. "I do, in fact I could send you up for conviction right now" I said. "Oh please, and what's your alibi?" Berdly asked. "from 2 to 2:30 I was gaming, from 2:30 to 4:00 I was doing work around the house. From 4:00 to 5:00 I was out buying a gift for a friend. From-" I was cutoff. "Hold on who takes an hour to buy a gift?" Berdly asked. "not important. My question is what's your alibi?" I asked Berdly. "Simple. 2:30 to 5:00 I was studying, 5:00 to 6:00 I was doing homework. From 6:00 to 6:30 I was eating dinner. From 6:30 to 8:00 I wasss reading, everything else was mainly just me in the house" Berdly said. I had been studying Berdly the whole time. He slipped up around the 6:30 mark. Something was off. "Alright if you say so" I said. I pretended to walk to the upstairs area.

"Hey, it's me. We got a situation. Meet me behind the school" I heard a familiar voice say. I then looked out and saw Berdly walk out the doors. I quickly followed in suit and barely managed to see him head for the school. He walked around behind and waited. I watched from a distance in the forest and heard something. It sounded like hoofs on pavement? I saw Noelle walk to Berdly. I took out my phone and started recording. "Someone's on to us. (Y/N) questioned me at the library. We need him out of the equation" Berdly said to Noelle. "But how? We can't frame him like we did Susie otherwise he'll be in jail with Susie jeopardizing our plans" Noelle said. "I know we'll need some other distraction" Berdly said before my finger slipped causing me to turn on my phone flashlight. "Shit!" I cursed. "Hey it's him! Get him he could've caught us!" Berdly screeched. I made a run for it putting my phone in my pocket. 

As I ran I heard footsteps behind me. I looked back seeing Noelle bolting after me. "Fuck number one track star is bout to get my ass" I said as I picked up the pace. I felt a body hit my back sending me tumbling to the ground. I groaned as I felt some scrapes on my face from the pavement. I then rolled around so that I was laying back down on Noelle. "I don't wanna hurt you Noelle but I will if I must" I told the deer girl as she grabbed both my arms keeping me pinned. I struggled and then slammed my head back right on Noelle's snout making her let go of me. I then sprinted for the police station. After arriving I closed the doors and locked them. "Hey! Your not allowed to do that punk what's the idea?" Undyne asked me. "Look officer I have evidence of who framed Susie" I said to her.

"Framed? Evidence? Ha I gotta see this" She said laughing as if it were a joke. I showed her the video of Noelle and Berdly talking. I even got the part where they were trying to chase me. "Damn, well ya weren't kidding. I'll have them convicted right away" Undyne told me.


Susie rushed out of her cell and then picked me up hugging me. "H-Holy shit ya did it! You found the culprits!" Susie said excitedly as she swung me around. "(Y/N) I.. I'm sorry I am really. I wasn't thinking and I just.. I just want you back" Susie admitted. "I'd gladly take you back Susie" I said smiling. She grinned and then knelt down giving me a long passionate kiss as Noelle and Berdly were put into the cell Susie was previously in. We made out for a while and sighed. "Lets go home Susie" I said as I held her hand. Susie nodded and we both left the station to have a nice day together.

SOUL mates Deltarune Susie X Male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora