Chapter 30 Return to Adventure

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Spoilers for Deltarune Chapter 2. If you don't want to spoil yourself turn back now

(Y/N) POV:

Class had just finished and I leaned against a wall next to Susie. "Sup? Ya ready for another fun adventure?" Susie asked me. "Hell yea I am" I said grinning. After that Kris walked out of the room. "Well look who it is, the school zombie. You were sleeping like a corpse all class. Heh what's the matter? Had trouble going beddy bye last night?" Susie asked before then running over to Kris. "ME TOO KRIS!!" She said shaking him. I just chuckled from the corner seeing her excitement. "Like could I sleep after yesterday?! We finally get to go back! Just waiting for today felt like years! Did... did it all happen? We waited several weeks before wanting to go back... Are they still... Look ya been wondering the same thing right? CMON ALREADY!!" Susie said before taking both our hands and running to the door.

"Alright guys, this is it. The moment of truth" Susie said before we were rudely interrupted. "Umm S-Susie?" a shy voice asked. We turned around to see Noelle. "Yea?" Susie asked turning around. "Noelle... hey... what the HELL!? Are you doing here?" Susie asked. "Uhm S-Sorry to bother you but um B-Berdy and I were going to the library to do some research for our group projects and w-were wondering if you'd like to come along too? (Y-Y/N and Kris can show up too" She replied. "Well you see we're uh busy with uuhhhhh well... (Y/N) help me out" Susie whispered to me. "Just say crime" I responded.

"Y'know just commiting crimes. Just gonna do some crimes and go to jail. Forever. It sucks" Susie told Noelle. She started stuttering again and then gave Susie a lunchbox before running off. "Huh? It's a lunchbox.. Full of chalk? Why would she give this to me? Wait a minute (Y/N) what the hell was that?!" She asked before shaking me this time. Why would Noelle ask ME to do homework with HER?! Deathwish much? Does she wanna fail?!" Susie asked. "Susie you aren't dumb you know" I told her. Susie sighed before then realizing something. "Wait a sec did you notice how nervous she was? and blushing too? Ya guys think she's onto our secret identities?!" Susie asked. I had my own thoughts but stayed quiet for now. "This darkworld stuff. Damn we gotta keep this under wraps. This is OUR thing" Susie told Kris. "Enough waiting lets go" Susie said. Kris opened the door and leapt in. I grabbed Susie's hand making her blush before we ran hand in hand into the door. Our clothes changed mid fall and we landed in the dark world. 

(Timeskip to the library dark world)

"Screw it let's just play space pinball on the laptops!" Susie said before the door emitted a dark aura. "H-Huh? It's like.. the inside of the closet? Guys you don't think this could be? Another dark world?" Susie asked. "Only one way to find out" I said before jumping through the door. Upon entering we saw that everything was digitized. As if we were in a computer. "Well this is new" Susie said. "Yea... it's like we're in a giant computer" I said as we started walking.

Susie POV:

As we walked through we heard this pink thing just muttering "The wires. The wires" over and over. I dismissed it and slid down a wall before seeing some wires. The shot out electricity at us! "Shit move guys!" I said before we ran through the deadly area. "Somebody help me!" I heard someone shout. "Somebody please.. Susie?!" Noelle asked surprised. "I'm here too" (Y/N) said in an annoyed tone. "Cool that your here just.. Wait, Get out of here before it's too late!" She said before getting caged. "Noelle!" I said before we heard a noise. A throne came out of nowhere and then there sat a queen. "Hell of a study session" She said eerily. "Who the hell are you?!" I asked the lady.

"I am known as serial number Q5U4EX7YY2E9N. But you foolish children may call me Queen" She said taking a sip from her cup. "Heh like we're gonna call you queen" I chuckled and tried to recite the number but failed. "Alright well no games Queen, what do you want with Noelle?" (Y/N) asked. "Running computer program, program: suspense. You will seeeeee" She said before flying off. "WAIT! DON'T YOU FUCKING RUN OFF!" I shouted at the top of my lungs pissed. "Honestly I would've captured you all but have no cages" Queen replied after flying back down to our level. "WHY THE CAPTURING?!" I asked her. "So she may become my willing Peon in my quest for world domination. Also maybe I will make her face into a robot one?" Queen informed us. "But why?" Me and (Y/N) asked at the same time. "It seems cool" She said. "Well forget it" I snarled. "Nobody is turning anyone's face into a robot" I added confidently. "Do you wanna fight losers?" Queen asked. "Welll-" (Y/N) was cutoff. "YES, YES, YES ALREADY!" I said slamming m ax. "Okay then bye" Queen said. "WAIT A GODDAMN SECOND!" I shouted. "Susie hey hey, let her go. She's just scared your gonna kick her ass" (Y/N) comforted.

"Heh yea ya right" I said smirking. "No one can beat the $#@! Squad" I said as we started to walk forward. Suddenly two cables grabbed a pair of pink people before they then mutated into some odd creatures. "What the hell?!" Susie asked. "Toodles" The queen said before we engaged in a fight. "The wires, we can toss Kris at them!" (Y/N) pointed out. I nodded and grabbed Kris. "Get ready to land hard Kris" I said to the blue skinned human as I aimed at the wires. I tossed Kris and cut two lose. They weren't fully detached yet. The enemies started firing stars and lasers at (Y/N) who was defending for now. "Shit this is new! Why is it so hard to dodge?!" He asked trying to avoid the shots. I grabbed Kris again and tossed them the wires got hit and (Y/N) spared one. Kris was now being attacked they dodged the bullets like a ballerina. (Y/N) almost seemed impressed. After that Kris spared the last enemy. "Nice work everyone" I said after we finished. 

"Now cmon we gotta catch up to queen" I added. Suddenly two wires dropped down. "Or not" I said before they both suddenly fell asleep. "Huh?" I asked. "What just happened?" (Y/N) asked. "I used my pacify spell to put them into sleep mode!" Ralsei said. "Ralsei ya here!" I said grinning. "I felt a dark presence and hurried over!" He said afterwards. After a bit of talking we all did a pose dunno why but we did and started following Kris around.

(Timeskip to the coasters)

"Hey what the hell are these things?" I asked as I got in a weird box looking thing. "Looks like if we ride them they'll bring us to the fountain!" Ralsei said. "Really? Lets get on then!" I said hopping in. There was the roar of a jet engine and then Queen showed up. "I have been merciful to you thus far but now it is time for: Your unwilling imprisonment" the Queen said. I rolled my eyes. "Drop the capture capsules!" She said. They all missed. "Uhh you missed" Ralsei pointed out. "That was a tactical calibration!" She replied. "Soooo, gonna try again?" I asked her. "No I only have like four cages!" She laughed. "Okay wait I got a small plot twist for you" She said. "Come forward my Peon!" She demanded. Noelle showed up on a sleigh like coaster. "Sorry, guess I couldn't say no" She replied. "Noelle?" I asked tilting my head.

"H... Hi Susie. How are you?" Noelle asked blushing. "Uhm okay I guess" I replied. I swore I heard (Y/N) mutter something. "Your um roller coaster is uhm I like it" She said. "Yours too?" I said. "Th-thanks!" Noelle replied. "Okay this ain't working bring in the next guy!" For no reason whatsoever Berdly rammed Noelle off the tracks. "Fear not my beloved Noelle! I will be your valiant knight in glow in the dark armor!" He said. "BERDLY?! YOU ASKED HIM TO BE ON YOUR TEAM?!" Me and (Y/N) asked. "I didn't ask him I didn't ask him I didn't ask him" She simply repeated. "That's lord Berdly to you simpletons! And soon super lord Be-" (Y/N) cut him off. "Yea shut the hell up bird brain before I run you off the tracks" He said. My eyes widened. "That is no way to talk to a superior!" He stated. The Queen just flew off for some reason and Berdly drew his own ax/halberd. "If your dead set in proving your inferiority then let me help!" He said. We started to battle. 

"Everyone try and ram this sucker" (Y/N) commanded. Kris nodded before motioning the others to do it. We all bumped into Berdly's car. He retaliated by firing tornados at us. I dodged the attack with ease and laughed before bumping into his car. After a while longer of bumper cars Berdly's exploded making him fall down. "Hello everyone I have some news updates" Queen said. "You see this roller coaster... it's not exactly... finished yet" She said. "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" I asked angrily. "Pain" she simply said before flying off. We all looked before our eyes widened at the large fall we'd have to take. "SHITTTTTTT!" I said as we all fell to our impending deaths.

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