Chapter 28 Aggressive negotiations

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(Y/N) POV:

I got up and then got ready for school walking downstairs. It was a weekend which meant no school so that was nice. I decided to call Susie and see if she wanted to do anything. "Sup?" She asked seeming tired. "Nothing much, just wondering if you wanna hang out somewhere" I said after. "Sure why not?" Susie asked. "Oh it's been no party, we moved into a community full of monsters" My mom said in the background annoyed sounding. "...Who was that? Was that your mom?" Susie asked. "W-What I- Susie she proba-" I was cut off. "Nah nah it's fine don't worry... I know I'm not wanted so I'll stop ruining ya life" Susie said before hanging up. "Dammit" I cussed under my breath.

I quickly changed and ran outside going to Susie's place hoping we weren't through. I knocked on the door and looked down hoping someone would answer. I knocked again and tapped my foot getting impatient and worried. It took maybe 1 or 2 minutes but the door opened. It was her father. "Who's there? Oh, hey kid ya wanna come in? Susie ain't home" He said. "Where is she?" I asked worriedly. "Good to know you care... I dunno okay... she walked out muttering somethin and just left going who knows where" He sighed. I clenched my fists. "Thank you sir" I said before running off. I had no idea even where to look, how the fuck would I find Susie? I dunno where she... wait a second of course the hilltop! I thought before running off to the woods.

Susie POV:

I walked through the woods and then emerged from the trees back near the sidewalk. I just wanted to be with someone at this point and it wasn't gonna be my dad.... or (Y/N). I smiled just a little remembering that Kris was around. I decided to walk to their place, I saw Undyne and then hid my face a bit before then turning a corner and sighing. I kept walking and then after a little while got to Kris' place. I looked up to see a symbol engraved in the wood above the house door... it almost seemed familiar.

I looked back down and knocked on the door. It took a bit but then a floofy white goat opened the door. Toriel. "Oh hello Susie. I assume your here to see Kris? Speaking of why are you here? Kris didn't say anything about you coming over" the goat mom asked. "Erm I... sorry I kinda just came here... I didn't know where else to go" I said looking down ashamed at myself for just thinking I could waltz over and expect them to let me into the place.

"Oh forgive me for asking, come in dear" Toriel invited. "Thanks" I said with a slight grin as I walked in. "Sup Kris?" I asked. They waved to me with their usual blank expression. "Ya need to talk more dude, say a couple things I don't like quiet people" I said with a chuckle nudging their shoulder. Kris just shrugged and stood up gesturing me to follow them. "Huh? Oh okay I'll follow ya" I said following Kris upstairs.

(Y/N) POV:

I looked through the woods around the hill and even on top of the hill before going to my knees in defeat. She wasn't here... did she stay at the house? Is she somewhere I don't know? Does she hate me? What do I do?" I asked myself internally. Wait, maybe Kris knew where she was! They're her friend too so they have to know! I made a break for it running to Kris' house. It took a while but I finally got there and knocked on the door.

"Oh (Y/N), sheesh did Kris have a plan for you 3 to come over?" Toriel asked. "Wait 3? Is Susie there?" I asked regaining a slight glimmer of hope in my soul. "Yes she's here. Would you like to come in?" She asked. "Yes very much so" I replied in an almost begging manner. "Okay, the two are in Kris' room" Toriel told me. "Thanks so much!" I said taking my shoes off and going upstairs trying not to run. I then opened the door. "..Susie?" I asked. "... oh, you.... I thought you'd fuck off instead of returning to a freak l-" I cut her off. "Susie don't you fucking say that!" I snapped. "Why the hell not?! Ya parents seem to fuckin hate me!" She snapped.

"I don't care what they think I just want you!" I said to her. "Well why would I trust you?!" She asked. "Because I... because I care about you and love you" I said looking down. "... ya mean... ya not like them?" Susie asked. "NO! No nono, no I dunno why my mom even said that. Susie no" I said to her. Susie sighed. "How... wh.. we gotta talk to ya parents then cuz I won't accept that shit" Susie said. "Alright, lets do it then, right now" I said to her. "Aight" Susie replied. 


Susie POV:

I walked with (Y/N) back to his house hands in my pockets and looking down. "Mom I need to see you" He called. His mother walked to us. "Yes?" She asked. "...Mrs.(L/N) I heard what you said on the phone, why do ya hate my kind?!" I asked (Y/N)'s mom. "What?!... no no I.. no what? Susie I was having a rough day and was annoyed by the work. I was talking to a friend though and she was just asking how we were doing. Monsters are just like humans in a way" She explained. My eyes widened from the explanation. "Wow... uh heh, sorry then about well about all of this" I said rubbing the side of my arm feeling my jacket against my scales. "Dang I'm sorry" I said. "It's okay I'm sorry for saying that loud... I didn't mean to hurt you at all" She stated. "Well uh thanks for lettin me know" I said looking down. "See Susie, it's all fine" (Y/N) comforted. "... yea" I said looking down and then walking outside. (Y/N) followed me.

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