Chapter 18 The BIG Night

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(Firstly the image isn't mine, secondly imagine the dress in purple, okay now to the chapter)

(Y/N) POV:

I walked into school and took a breath as today was the night, the night me and Susie would go out. I walked in and smiled as I sat at my desk near Susie. "Sup Sus?" I asked. "Not much sup with you dork?" She asked. "Oh just ready to take a pretty purple girl to the dance" I whispered making Susie's cheeks turn pink. "Sh-shut up ya fuckin dork" Susie said covering her blush by putting her head on her desk seeming tired. I just chuckled blushing as well with a smirk as class started.

As class went on I could hardly stop thinking about what Susie would be wearing and how pretty she would look. I bet she looked amazing in a dress. I blushed at the idea and pulled my collar up over my face to cover it making Susie chuckle a bit at my embarrassment. I pouted a bit and Alphys turned around. "S-Susie is there something you'd like to share?" She asked. "Nah, nothin" Susie said with a casual smirk she always had. I just smiled and started to do my work knowing that I'd see Susie at the dance, and I'm happy I would.

Susie POV:

I blushed still wondering if (Y/N) thought I was pretty. I knew he would look... what's that word? Cute? He'd look that at the dance probably. I blushed at the idea and sighed before noticing he was embarrassed too. That made my blush go away a bit and I chuckled. Alphys asked me if I wanted to share anything with the class but I just shook my head and said nah. Alphys sighed and went back to doing stuff on the board while I thought of a pick up line or something.


I walked into my room and shut the door sighing before putting on my my dress and heels and walking to the school. This felt so weird but honestly I didn't mind. I leaned against a wall and saw Noelle in a Christmas looking dress. "W-Whoa, Susie y-you look stunning!" She complimented. "Thanks I guess" I shrugged. "Why are you at the dance anyway you usually never come. I made a slight nervous grin. "Heh well ya see uh hhmm the food" I said with a smirk. "Yep free food is the best kind". Noelle just giggled a bit. "I see, well I'm gonna be having a Halloween party, more food and nice stuff. Feel free to come" She said before walking in. I sighed in relief before seeing in the distance my nerd, (Y/N). He was pretty good looking actually. He had a black tuxedo, pants and dress shoes as well as a white undershirt and (F/C) tie. "Whoa" I said in a whisper. He then walked up to me.

"Hey Susie, someone is looking pretty" He said smiling. "Uh did you come outta the oven cuz your hot-" I blurted before covering my mouth. I saw his face blush as red as a strawberry. "H-Heh, you've gotten better at flirting I s-see" He said. "Heh uh I got you some flowers but they don't look as great as you" He said flirtingly. "Th-Thanks, heh oh a very nice purple and (F/C) mix" Susie said. "Heh I uh got an idea" He said.

(Y/N) POV:

I took a purple flower and put it in Susie's hair. She blushed a bit as I did this. "Awww you look cute" I complimented. "I uh er f-fine I'll wear it let's just go in" Susie said with a blush as she held out her hand. I took it and smiled wrapping my fingers around her hand. She did the same, her claws brushing against me a bit but I didn't mind. I smiled as we walked in. It was pretty nice party lights were everywhere and it was looking good.

"Aye dork Imma go to the food table wanna come with?" Susie asked. "Sure" I replied following her. Susie took some pizza and started to eat a bit ravenously before taking another piece after finishing the first within a few minutes. "Damn Susie you eat fast" I said watching. "Eh so what?" Susie asked with a shrug. "Dunno it was just unexpected" I said before some music started playing. "Wanna dance?" I asked holding my hand out. "I don't dance" Susie said bluntly. "Awww, please?" I asked. "Fine but not as a couple" She sighed before we went to the floor.

Me and Susie danced separately for a little while. The music then started to slow down a bit. "Okay everyone this is gonna be for that special someone in your life and make sure to make it good" A ghost wearing headphones said. I blushed and grabbed Susie's hands pulling her closer to me. "(Y/N) what are ya doin?" Susie asked me. "Just dancing. Go with it" I whispered. She nodded and we kept dancing hand in hand. I smiled and looked up at Susie.

Susie looked down smiling a bit as well before the music hit a pivotal point. I pulled Susie closer and she pulled me close before we both kissed, I felt my face heat up and saw Susie had a blush. I heard a click and saw light flash making Susie draw her head back. "AYE! Whoever took that is soooo gonna get it" Susie said cracking her knuckles. "Let them keep it babe. It doesn't matter" I comforted. "... fine but ya post that and I'll post ya onto a billboard" Susie threatened. I then grabbed her hands and we started to dance again.

Susie POV:

I blushed a bit still from our kiss and the picture. (Y/N) was too and I smiled a bit as I then decided to twirl him around and lean him into another quick kiss. "S-Susie" He squeaked. I just chuckled. "Ya frigging nerd" I said as we continued dancing. After a long while of dancing, eating and kissing in the bathroom it was finally time for the party to stop. I walked out holding (Y/N)'s hand, our fingers interlocked. "I uh... had fun tonight dork. Wanna do something tomorrow?" I asked. "Sure!" He said smiling. "Great, I heard this weekend Noelle's 'avin a Halloween party, care to come?" I asked. "Sure! If your going count me in!" He said. "Pfft alright. See ya tomorrow dork" I said. "See you tomorrow gorgeous" He said making me blush before we split ways. I laid in bed absolutely happy that night.

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