Chapter 12 Paps

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(Y/N) POV:

I had just finished school today and sighed as I walked outside with Susie and smiling a little. "Heh, did ya see the look on Alphys face?" Susie asked chuckling. "Yeah it was great, how did you even get that many pencil's in the roof?" I asked with a smirk. "Hehe, it's a gift. I've been practicing since like 5th grade" Susie said with a grin as we walked down the street. We both walked and talked for a little while. I honestly didn't know how I felt about Susie... a lot of the time I felt like we were friends, and nothing more. Then again something drew me to her, like as more then a friend... maybe it was her beautiful eyes, maybe it was her style, maybe it was her looks. For sure though it was her personality.

"So then, mind going to ya place? I uh would invite you to mine but it's not exactly the greatest" She said scratching the back of her head. "I'm sure it's fine... ah shit I can't!" I sighed remembering a promise I made to a skeleton yesterday. "Huh why not?" Susie asked a little sad sounding. "Cuz I made a promise to a skeleton. I told him I'd hang out with his brother or something today" I sighed. "The hell ya go doin that for? Ya even know this guy?" Susie asked me. "Not in the slightest. But I figured it'd be nice" I sighed. "Heh whatever I guess dork. Well come on ya know where his house is?" Susie said and I'm assuming rolled her eyes. "Yeah, next to a store or uh dunno something" I replied

We walked over to the store. "Oh hey I remember that place, used to be run by Grillby. And now it says... Sans?" Susie asked. "Yeah that's the guy that invited me over to his place" I replied. "Ah I see" Susie said before we walked to the house next to it. "Hmm not bad. Nice place they got 'ere" Susie said before I knocked on the door. "I'll get it you lazy bones... Oh hello, who are you?" A tall Skeleton in armor and a red scarf asked. "Oh their some people I invited over... well I invited one I dunno bout the purple one though. Who are you?" He asked. "Susie, just a friend of (Y/N)'s" She replied. "Eh alright. More people for the party. Anyway I got stuff to do so uh have fun alright?" Sans asked before walking away from us and disappearing.

Susie POV:

I saw this happen and it confused the ever living hell outta me... then again not the most confusing thing I've experienced recently considering I found a whole new world in a closet. "What the hell was that?" I asked the skeleton. "Oh Sans can take erm short cuts. I honestly have no idea how it works myself. I am the great Papyrus Neyh heheh!" He laughed. "That supposed to be an evil laugh or somethin? Cuz I can do better" I said before doing my iconic Ahahahaha! "Well not an evil laugh but yours is rather fierce. Now do come inside" He said as we walked in.

"So then what exactly can we do in here or whatever? And what's with the rock?" I asked confused. "Oh it's our pet rock" He said simply. "Pet rock? Wha- Why would you have that?" I asked. "Reasons" He simply said. "Uh whatever" I replied. "Well uh what can we do here actually?" (Y/N) asked Papyrus. "Well perhaps you all would like to try my newest puzzle, behold!" He said before making colored tiles on the floor. "Try and get through that" He challenged. "Ughhh I don't do puzzles" I said before sitting on the couch and picking my teeth with my nails for a sec."Come on Susie at least try" (Y/N) said. "Ugh fine" I said before he started to walk across the board. I looked around the edges and noticed that it didn't take up the whole floor. "Heh, easy" I chuckled before walking around it. 

It took roughly 15 minutes for (Y/N) to get over to me. "Heh what took ya?" I asked. "W-What? Susie how did you-?" He was cutoff. "She walked around" Papyrus said clearly unimpressed. "Oh come on bonehead, ya gotta admit it was smart" I replied. "I guess. So then either of you two have hobbies?" He asked before sitting on the couch. "Eh I used to train and work out and shit, I also like video games" I replied. "Ahh, well have you ever heard of a game called Super Smash brothers? Sans actually got invited to be a representative but for some reason rejected... but allowed them to use his clothes and face" Papyrus said. "Why though? Isn't that only for nintendo characters?" (Y/N) asked. "Your asking me, something about him being a good real life representation in smash" Papyrus said. "Huh well if ya got the game we'll play" I said. "Ooh okay" He said before taking 3 controllers.

(Timeskip) We had been playing for about an hour or two before I heard a growling noise. "Uhh what was that?" Papyrus asked. "Uh heh me... I'm a bit hungry" I admitted. "Yeah I could go for some food too" (Y/N) said. "Ooh okay I can make something" Papyrus said before heading to the kitchen. Me and (Y/N) just followed him. We watched as he cooked some noodles and other food items for a little while. Within ten minutes, "Tada! Papyrus' famous spaghetti Nyeh heh heh!" He announced. "Huh alright. Looks good... er are we getting separate plates?" I asked. "Uhh no, I attempted so many times we only have 2 plates... you two will have to share" He said. "Alright" I replied.

Me and (Y/N) started eating. "Ya know this is pretty good actually" I said as I ate a bit more fast. "Why thank you!" Papyrus said with a smile. (In this Au paps is a good cook) As we did I started to slurp on a rather long noodle. I closed my eyes praying nothing would happen... nothing did. I sighed in relief before slurping again and then feeling something. My eyes widened and then I looked at (Y/N), aka the guy I was now kissing. "Ahh! F-Fuck I er s-sorry nerd" I said as I felt my face heat up a ton. He was blushing as well. "Y-your f-fine S-Susie I just er didn't expect uh that" He said in a flustered manner. "Are you sure you two are just friends?" Papyrus asked. "Fuckin yeah!" I replied before then scratching my neck. "Just uh 2 friends okay" I added. 

"Y-Yeah f-friends" (Y/N) said with a slight smile as we then continued to eat. I was so embarrassed today, "wait till people hear bout this" I thought in my head. "Not a word to anyone, either of ya" I said after. "Yeah alright" (Y/N) said. "I'll keep your secret safe" Papyrus said with a reassuring smile. "Thanks I guess" I replied with a slight grin as my blush started fading. "Heh anyway after this we should be going" I said. "Yeah sorry Papyrus" (Y/N) said. "Oh it's quite alright! I enjoyed having you both over" He replied. "Heh thanks for everything" (Y/N) said. "Your welcome human" He replied before we went back to eating. I would have a lot of explaining to do.

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