Chapter 7 Dodge This

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(Y/N) POV:

I got up and dressed for school. I had once again a very cryptic dream but this time it was a shadowy figure speaking to me... I ignored it and moved on with the day, eat my breakfast got ready for school left, the usual. I walked in and waited to see if Susie would walk through the door and slam it open. Roughly 5 minutes after class had began the door was slammed wide open and there was Susie. "Am I late?" She asked a bit nicer then usual surprisingly.

"N-No not a-at a-all Susie, A-Anyway take your seat we need to s-start w-working on our g-group projects" Alphys stuttered. "Oh right" Susie said before smirking a bit and then sitting down. "Sup nerds? So uh we even know what this is about?" She asked knowing that none of us knew. "Nope" I simply said. "Heh didn't think so. Ah well guess I do what I always do and wing it" Susie said laid back. "Erm yeah" I said before raising my hand. "Y-Yes (Y-Y/N)?" Alphys asked. "Well I didn't really read the instructions sooooo uh could I get a copy?" I asked. 

"S-Sure j-just make sure to pay attention n-next time" Alphys said before walking over and handing me the instruction packet. Susie looked over. "Heh thanks nerd. Now we can know what we're doing so I don't fail for once" She said before giving her iconic laugh. Kris just gave a thumbs up. "Alright so lets get started I guess" I said before starting to open the packet and then afterwards work on it for a bit.

Susie POV:

I sighed as we worked. Hella boring and especially compared to our adventure from yesterday. Another thing is it was hard to focus. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about (Y/N), the things he did for me, the kind of person he was. It made me feelings, things I haven't felt before... it was weird. I shook it off and went back to boring school labor trying to pay attention as best as I could.

After roughly 2 hours of hard work we had at least something done of our work. The bell rang signaling lunch. I sighed in relief and got out of my chair. I decided to follow (Y/N) today to his table with Kris and sit down there. "Sup?" I asked them both. "Uh nothing. Wanna sit down?" (Y/N) asked me. "Uh I'd like too. Kris can I?" I asked him. He nodded and actually... smiled for once. I gave him a small grin and sat down. "So ya nerds got any hobbies or anything?" I asked.

"Mostly gaming. Boring I know but eh. Halo is one of the main games I play" (Y/N) said. "Hey I got Halo too. Heh my Xbox and wifi may be trash but give me a good controller and semi stable connection and I can wipe the floor with anyone" I said grinning. "Heh we'll have to see about that one some time" (Y/N) said. "Ya challenging me dude?" I asked him. "Maybe" He chuckled before we started eating.

I sighed as I tried to clear my head of these recent thoughts. I couldn't help but look at (Y/N) every now and then, thank god my hair covered my eyes. I finished eating soon and then the bell rang. I got up and we all left to go back to class. (Time skip) It had been a while and was finally the last class of the day and most certainly the best class. Gym. I changed in the locker room and then came out into the gym room.

"O-Okay e-everyone g-gym i-is in session. W-we're p-playing d-dodge ball a-and no headshots S-Susie" Alphys said before going to the bleachers. I smirked and cracked my knuckles before seeing people getting on teams and looking at me. I looked over at (Y/N). "Hey, wanna be a team?" I asked him. "Sure" He said clearly smart I picked up a ball an instantly aimed for Berdly hitting him right in the gut. "Haha!" I chuckled.

(Y/N) POV:

I tossed a ball at Jockington getting him out before suddenly getting hit in the shin by Noelle. "Ah crap. Catch one for me Susie" I said as I walked out. Susie dodged a ball and tossed one at Catti. Then one at MK. Temmie tossed a ball at Susie which she easily caught. I was back in. I tossed a ball at Kris which he dodged before tossing one back I dodged and then tossed one at an owl looking monster. (Can't remember his name). It was now just me and Susie against Kris and Noelle. I tossed a ball at Noelle and she dodged before Susie kicked a ball my way. I picked it up and tossed again and Noelle got hit.

Susie smirked. "Sorry Kris" She said before tossing a ball at him. He got hit and sighed. He walked to the out corner. "Guess we win then!" Susie exclaimed happily before stretching. "Uh there can only be one winner idiots!" Berdly shouted from the out corner. I looked at Susie and then at a nearby dodge ball. I dived for it and looked at Susie holding it ready and ready to throw. "Dodge this!" She said aiming it straight at me... we have a western stand off. I looked at Susie... I could toss the ball and win taking down the dodgeball champion of the school. But at the same time I didn't want to.

Susie POV:

I looked at (Y/N) dead in the eyes ready to toss the ball straight at his stomach. I kept myself laser focused. I could hit him right now and that would be the end but... I didn't want to. Something was holding me back. We stood there for 5 minutes until finally there was a loud ring. School was over. Me and (Y/N) both put down our dodgeballs. "Erm gg" I said simply. "Gg" He replied as we then walked to our respective locker rooms.

I walked home and sighed. "What the hell was wrong with me? Why couldn't I just take him down?" I thought in my head. "Is there something wrong with me?" I asked mentally as I made my way home. I sighed and opened the door before setting my bag on the ground and heading to my room. I laid down and started to think about everything.

(Note the image is not mine)

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