Chapter 22 The Shadows Start to Grow

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(Y/N) POV:

I was once again in the shadows and then saw them, the 2 piercing blue eyes. "What do you want?" I asked. "Ohhh nothing. Perhaps just to make an offer" they said. "What could you offer me?" I asked. "Hehe, your life as you know it" They said. Behind me there were several hostages. I turned around and saw them. My dad, my mom, Kris... Susie. "Join me, become my perfect vessel and I shall let your friends live... for now" they said. "...Never" I stated. "Hehe, fine" The voice said. Kris instantly was shocked, he screamed in pain and then after 5 minutes fell limp... dead. I tried my best to hold back tears as I watched one of my only friends die. I woke up, tears in my eyes and then instantly got my phone and called Susie on a face time.

Susie POV:

I woke up to the shitty vibrating and clunking sounds of my phone when someone tried to call me. I groaned and woke up picking up the phone. "Su- whoa... (Y/N) you okay?" I asked extremely concerned. "N-No" He said before sniffing a bit. "Shit dude what happened?" I asked. "I... well... I just had a horrid nightmare. And people I cared about died" He said. "Okay I'm coming over" I said before closing the phone. I quickly got dressed and then ate before walking over to (Y/N)'s house. I knocked on the door and waited for a second.

(Y/N)'s father answered the door. "Hello uhh Susie right?" He asked. "Erm yes sir that would be me" I said. "Is (Y/N) here?" I asked him. "Yep he's out back" His dad replied. "Okay, thank you Mr.(L/N)" I said. "Please, just call me (insert dad name here)" He replied. "Oh uh thanks" I replied before going out to the back yard of the house. I saw (Y/N) sitting on the branch of a very sturdy tree. "Hey there" I said. "Hey lovely" He said before jumping off the branch into a roll and then hugging me. "Okay enough of the sappy shit dork. I'm here for ya though" I said hugging him back. "I know Susie" He replied. "There's actually something I wanna do" He told me. "Sure dork, uh what is it?" I asked.

(Y/N) took out a knife making me a bit shocked. "Uhhh ya just carry that thing around?" I asked him backing up a bit. "Well... yeah. It's a wood switchblade, made by... erm that's besides the point. Come follow me" He said. I followed (Y/N) behind the tree and saw some Souls with people's initials in them. "What's all of this?" I asked him. "Well it's kinda a family tradition for us to write our initials in the back of this tree. I figured now we should" He told me. 

I blushed a little. "Pfft fuckin nerd" I said before he started carving with the knife. After he carved his first initial he held the knife out for me. I took a breath before picking it up. The handle was made of wood and the blade looked like steel. There were initials engraved in the handle but I didn't want to speak them. I thought it might be from a dead relative or something. I started to carve and S on the tree and then handed (Y/N) his knife back when I was done.

(Y/N) POV:

I took my grandfather's old knife back and then drew a plus sign and Soul around the two signatures. "Heh, thanks Susie... sorry for forcing this sappy stuff on you" I said as a pun. "Oh my gosh whyyyyy? And also uh... it's fine. Ya got ya traditions and well uh I got none but still I want ya happy dork" Susie replied before giving me a quick hug. I smiled and then hugged her back quickly. "Heh, feeling better?" Susie asked. "Yeah" I replied. "Good... I know all too much about nightmares and shit" Susie said looking down. "Really? About what?" I asked her. ".... I don't wanna talk about it" She said gruffly.

I nodded and then stretched a bit. "Well anything that uh you wanna do perhaps?" I asked Susie hoping to change subject. "Uhhmm, not that I can really think of at the moment no" Susie replied before then picking me off my feet. "Well... maybe one thing" She said with a smirk. I blushed. "Uh kissing?" I asked. "Yep" Susie said before smashing her lips against mine. I felt my whole face go red and kissed back loving every second.

After about 2 minutes we broke off. "Damn your a good kisser Susie" I complimented. She was still blushing and it looked adorable honestly. "Heh uh sooo that was nice" Susie said blushing still, her purple face now more of a redish pink. "Sooo uh what now?" I asked her blushing a bit. "I don't fuckin know don't ask me I ain't good at romance" Susie complained.

I just chuckled a bit and then hugged her. Susie sighed and picked me up hugging me back. "Ya starting to make me go soft ya know that nerd?" Susie asked me. "Yeah I know. But what's so bad about that? I still think your as tough as ever Susie" I complimented. "Heh, thanks dork" Susie said smiling. "No, Thank you Susie for accepting me" I said. "Oh that is so fuckin cheesy... but ya welcome" She replied. I let go of her for just a mere second to brush the hair out of Susie's eyes. "You have very pretty eyes" 

I said staring into them. "Sh-shurrup they ain't pretty. They're weird and freakish. I wish I had normal (A/C) eyes like ya self" Susie said. "Why? That's boring and dull. Your eyes are interesting and colorful and very beautiful. Kinda like you" I flirted. Susie just blushed unsure of what to say before putting me down. "Arright enough of that. Now wanna I dunno play some video games or walk around or something?" She asked. "Just hang out with you" I replied. "Heh alright then" Susie said before wrapping an arm around me. We both went into the house and spent the night relaxing.

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