Moving in (A Prequel)

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(Y/N) POV:

I sighed as I looked out the window and upon the streets of the new town we had arrived at. Hometown, a town almost entirely populated with monsters. Well save for my dead grand parents. They died rather recently and the will stated my grand parent's house belonged to us now. My mom told my dad to sell it or use it as a vacation home but he made it clear he was sick of city life. He said he "couldn't just sell it there was too much history" so he decided we should move in. My mom was skeptical but my dad said he already found a job there and had applied basically earning him a spot. We then decided it was away from the city and off to a new town. Hometown.

I had to leave every friend I ever knew behind and moved to hometown, a place I barely knew but knew none the less despite some of the times I visited my grandparents. The city was about an hour and a half away so it wasn't the longest trip. We arrived and I put my switch away, I saw monsters everywhere, some outside some playing some going to work. I then saw the house, a log cabin looking house but on the inside it was different. "(Y/N)! Time to start moving in" My mom called as she got out of the car. I nodded and then started to move stuff in. Mainly my boxes. I got to the door and saw the symbol carved in it. 3 triangles, underneath a ball with wings around it embroidered by a shield. My grand dad carved it in himself and put the metal around it. I almost could swear I've seen it before I first went to my grandparents house....

I snapped out of my flashback and walked in. There was a walk way to the kitchen which opened up into the living room. The walls were flat on the inside and it was rather modern actually. Good appliances and AC. There was also a couch, area rug and T.V in the living room. I carried my stuff to the guest bedroom and set it down. It was going to be my room now and well it had been whenever I stayed here as a kid. I looked at the walls still painted in a sky blue color and with a few toys laying around. The bed was normal and standard and still made. In case someone was staying over. 


I walked outside and we were finally done carrying our stuff in. The moving truck pulled away and I sighed. This is where I lived now so I guess I should start making friends. There was a tap on my shoulder and I jumped. "Holy shit! Oh oh an other human, cool" I said. "What's your name?" I asked them. They didn't respond, instead took out a note book and wrote Kris. "Kris huh, you a mute?" I asked them. Kris nodded. "Well Kris my name is (Y/N)" I said simply holding my hand out. He shook it and looked up smiling a little. I smiled too as I shook the human's hand. "So then uh mind showing me around?" I asked Kris. They nodded and started to take me around the town.

They showed me many places. A place called Grillby's, Icee's p'e'zza, the school which I knew I'd be going to during the school year. I hoped Kris was in the same grade as me as we moved on through the town. Eventually we ended our tour at a place called QC's diner. They opened the door for me. "Oh, you wanna go in here?" I asked them. Kris nodded. I walked in and Kris followed. "Hello Kris and oh hello who are you?" A rabbit looking monster asked. "Oh my name is (Y/N)" I told them. "Well nice to meet you, here lets get you two some drinks on the house" The rabbit said. "Oh wow thank you" I said smiling. She came back and set down 2 hot chocolates. I gratefully took it and left a tip. I drank down the sweet liquid and Kris did too. My throat felt a bit tense after considering it was hot but I didn't mind.

We walked out before I knocked into someone. "Oi watch where ya going runt" I heard a deep yet feminine voice state aggressively. I looked up to see a dark brown haired purple reptilian monster. She was quite tall and honestly... kinda thicc. "Sorry bout that" I said getting up as she had knocked me down. "Yea ya should be" She scoffed before walking off. "Hey Kris who was that?" I asked the human as we walked away. They wrote something down, it read; That was Susie, she's a huge bully so stay away from her alright. For your own good. I finished reading and nodded. "Noted, thanks for the information" I said as we walked away. I made sure to remember her name cuz if for some reason she isn't as bad as Kris says well I got my eye on her.

We walked back to my house and I stretched a bit. "Man all this walking is crazy. Do you have to do this?" I asked the human. They nodded. The pointed down towards the school and then somewhere else I can only assume was their house. "Wow, you have to walk every day?" I asked them. Kris nodded and then wrote that they recently got a car. "Oh well that's good" I said simply. "I gotta get going dinner is happening soon" I told the human. Kris nodded and waved. I waved back and walked to my house. "Mom dad I'm home!" I said. "Hello honey, make a new friend?" She asked me. "Yep" I said as I sat down at the table. "Well that's lovely, your adjusting already" She said. "Yea sorta" I said still missing my existing friends back home.

(End flashback)

"Whoa, so ya hit on me way back then... a-and think I'm thicc?" Susie asked me. "Hehe, uhhhh yea" I admitted blushing. "Well, if that's how ya see me then that's how" She chuckled before punching my arm. "Now come on lets get back to cuddling you dork, your nice and warm" Susie told me. I just chuckled and held her again.

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