Chapter 3 The Start of Something Great

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Susie POV:

I walked through a large open door before I heard footsteps. I looked behind me to see (Y/N). "Hey, see you ditched those losers" I said as I walked. "No I didn't ditch them. I came to make sure you don't get lost or anything" he said. "Pfft me, lost? Nah" I replied as we walked. We saw an enemy and and it engaged us. I attacked with a swing of my ax. (Y/N) told it to stop fighting. It fought back anyway after saying that it was reasonable not to fight... I swung my ax again and missed. "Stand still and die!" I snarled. (Y/N) spared the attacker and it ran off. We moved on to what seemed to be a maze. I just walked through and (Y/N) followed me. We saw found that Lancer kid again and I sighed in annoyance. "Ho ho ho if it isn't the purple clown and her friend what'shisname. I'm gonna have a good time thrashing you" He said.

(Y/N) took out his great sword and I took out my ax. Lancer attacked me but I dodged it. I swung my Ax and (Y/N) swung his sword at the kid. "Yowch! That hurt!" He said before launching more spades at us. (Y/N) dodged it easily and then slashed with his sword I did the same and Lancer back up. "Wow you two are strong, but I am the bad guy! Bad guys always win!" Lancer said before running. "Then why did you just lose wimp!?" I yelled as he ran. I sighed and we started walking through the maze again. I saw two enemies. I grinned before starting to thrash them both. (Y/N) tried to stop me but I didn't pay attention. I just focused on beating one them. "We didn't have to fight them all Susie" (Y/N) sighed.

I just rolled my eyes before spotting something I had been wanting since this morning. Food, a large cake in fact. My mouth watered as I jumped on the table and started to devour the cake, (Y/N) tried to get me down but I didn't listen. Suddenly a guy in a chefs hat sprayed me with water. I hissed and then walked off. (Y/N) followed me. "You should've listened to me" He said. "Oh I'm sorry, I ate nothing but damn chalk for breakfast and am hungry as shit!" I simply said. "Well and cereal but that was like nothing" I thought in my head. I continued to walk. We found some enemies again, one we were familiar with, looked like a diamond and also a new one with a heart head. I attacked the diamond looking one but afterwards (Y/N) warned it of my attacks. "What the hell dork don't give them advice!" I yelled. "We can get past them without fighting, follow my lead and spare this next enemy" I said. He complimented the Ruddin and I spared it making it run off. I sighed as this got boring. We did the same to the Hathy and the fight ended.  

"Well that was boring" I said as I started walking. "Susie you should at least try not to hurt people" (Y/N) said. "Whatever" I said still walking. We soon came across a puzzle, the exit was blocked off by 3 rows of spikes. "Ugh great what is this?" I asked as I looked at the clock on the wall and a few buttons on the ground. I was unable to make much sense of it and honestly didn't want to.

(Y/N) POV:

I walked over to a sign on the wall and read aloud for Susie cuz she wasn't gonna do it herself. "Check the clock. In order to solve this puzzle you'll have to hurry" I read aloud. "Doesn't seem too hard" I said before going over to the clock. "Welp ya can stay here and bore ya self with this puzzle shit, I'm getting outta here" Susie said before walking straight over the spikes. "Uh that's cool but what about me?" I asked. "Ugh fine" Susie groaned before walking back over and picking me up bridal style. She walked across the spikes and set me down.

"There nerd, now come on" She said. We both walked and saw the entrance to a maze and a sign. I was gonna read it but Susie kept walking. I followed her and we found a maze Susie smirked and then ran in clobbering every enemy there. "Susie come on you should stop!" I said as I tried to stop her, she didn't listen though and kept clobbering enemy after enemy. I sighed and we walked past yet another puzzle. I was gonna try and solve it but Susie walked right past. "Susie shouldn't we try to see if that puzzle does anything?" I asked her. "Nah, now come on" She said before we reached a door. Susie tried to open it. "Ugh locked" She sighed.

I examined the door and slashed at it with my sword. It did nothing. "Stand back (Y/N) Susie said taking out her ax. She slashed at the door leaving a small crack. "Together" I suggested. Susie and I readied and attacked the door "3.2.1!" I struck the door. It left a large crack but the door was still standing. "Ugh dammit" Susie sighed before she yawned. "Tired?" I asked before yawning myself. "Yeah... the others won't be here for a while so let's just take a rest okay" Susie said. "Good idea" I said before sitting on the ground next to Susie and then falling asleep, the world went dark.

Ralsei POV:

Me and Kris walked past and un-solvable puzzle and then to a door where (Y/N) and Susie were sleeping. "Awww they're sleeping" I said in a whisper trying not to disturb the two. Kris nodded. "I ship it" I said happily. Kris just walked over and tapped them both on the shoulder. (Y/N) got up first and then Susie. "Why do I feel something on my shoulder?" Susie asked. "Why do I feel something on my head?" (Y/N) asked. They looked over and both... blushed? "Ahem, we got tired alright" Susie sighed. "Now look this door is tough so go and solve the puzzle or something" Susie demanded. "Susie we need all 4 of us to do it" Ralsei stated. "Besides Kris and (Y/N) are the only ones who can seal the dark fountain, so if you don't accompany us you won't get home" I explained.

Susie sighed. "So your saying I HAVE to stick with you guys?" She asked. "Yep!" I replied eagerly. "Let's just get this over with" Susie sighed. "I don't mind" (Y/N) said. "Yahoo! Susie and (Y/N) are back on the team! Cue the fanfare!" Ralsei exclaimed. Susie and (Y/N) joined the party... Susie follows at a distance such that no one can tell she's associated. We both walked to the puzzle room and quickly solved it before moving on. We then encountered a little check piece. "Ooh Kris, perhaps we should tell Susie to act this battle!" I said to him. We did but Susie attacked the piece before it ran off. I sighed as we moved on to an area with a little shop and a door.

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