Chapter 27 Stars and Storms

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(Y/N) POV:

I was walking to school. I heard today the weather might get rather bad. Major thunderstorms and wind. I just decided to shrug it off and not worry very much. I looked up and saw the dark grey clouds darkening the sky above. Susie walked next to me and then smirked before ruffling my hair. "Sup nerd?" She asked wrapping an arm around me. "Your head? Seriously your tall" I told Susie. "Aye I can't help that it's in my DNA or whatever" She shot back with a slight chuckle. "Alright fair" I said before hearing a loud bam! Susie looked up and then I felt something hit my head. Clearly Susie did too cuz she shook her snout off a bit. "Shit it's gonna rain soon let's get moving" She said as we walked to school. it had started barely sprinkling but we then reached the school before it started almost immediately after pouring rain. "Damn good thing we got here quick" Susie said. "Indeed" I replied as we went inside the classroom.

"W-welcome c-class so today we-we're gonna study s-some parts o-of m-monster and human a-anatomy" Alphys said as she started to grab a piece of chalk. She started writing some diagrams on the board but to be honest the only monster anatomy I could care for at the moment was Susie's. When Alphy's finished she had drawn what looked like a reptilian monster and a human. "O-Okay now then f-firstly we must sh-show of the s-soul" She stammered before drawing extra diagrams. I tilted my head realizing something. The monster in the diagram looked similar to Susie and the human definitely wasn't Kris. I then put my head down in slight embarrassment. "N-now-" Before Alphys could finish there was a loud BAM! A loud thunderclap boomed through the room causing Noelle to jump in surprise and even Catti to surprisngly look away from her phone.

We kept on with the lesson for a while till all our phones went of at the same time. It read: Warning a tornado warning has been issued in hometown. Please get somewhere safe for the time being. "O-oh shit" Alphys said before then covering her mouth. "Okay students follow me" She said opening the door we all got up and went to the gym. We hunkered down in the locker rooms and waited as the thunder boomed and the wind wailed outside. I was sat down next to Susie and then we waited before suddenly darkness surrounded us. I instantly felt a pair of rather strong arms cling to my torso. A bit afterwards I swear I saw a blue flash of light... probably just a phone or the lightning.

Susie POV:

As soon as the lights went of I instantly grabbed (Y/N). I fucking hated the dark especially when it was so damn sudden. I clung to him like my life depended on it. "S-Susie you okay?" I heard his voice whisper in my ear. I shook my head. "No" I replied hugging him tightly. "Okay well I'm here in the dark alright" he whispered back before wrapping his own arms around me. I felt safer now, I always did when (Y/N) held onto me. "The power should be back soon Susie. Just keep close to me for now" (Y/N) Whispered. "Thanks" I whispered back. We both sat there for a good while. Assuming by how hungry I was I could say it was past lunch time. Maybe 1:00ish. 

"Lights should be coming back in... 3. 2. 1." As (Y/N) said that the lights came back on. "Whoa! How did ya know that dude?" I asked him. "My dad works at the electricity plant and he said it usually takes an hour or 2 before they can restore power" (Y/N) Explained. "But how did you get it so exact?" I asked him still confused. He just chuckled and help up his phone with a text message. "Oohh you sneaky dork" I chuckled. He shrugged and just smiled. "O-Okay S-Students time for lunch so g-go and eat a-and we'll learn more later" Alphys said. There was a loud growl. "Uhhh hehe, sorry" I said scratching my neck. No one seemed to care luckily.

(Time skip)

I was walking out and honestly I didn't wanna go home considering some bad memories that I remembered... "I could just go to the hi- maybe (Y/N) would wanna come with me" I thought in my head before then walking over to him. "Aye (Y/N)" I said walking next to him. "Oh hey Susie, what's up?" He asked. "Well I was uh gonna go somewhere secret but uh I figure since ya my uh ma boyfriend and all perhaps ya wanna come?" I asked. "Sounds cool count me in!" He said smiling. "Aight" I said as I took his hand. I walked through the forest, autumn leaves crunching under my boots as I looked around trying to remember where to go. "Oh there it is!" I said walking over to the hill. "Cmon dork" I said as I scaled the hill. (Y/N) tried to but slipped. "Susie I uhh need help up" He said.

"Aight gimme ya hand" I said reaching down. I felt his hand grab mine and I pulled (Y/N) up with ease. "Damn your strength is as good as you look Susie" he complimented. "Uhh hehe, thanks" I said smiling as the sun slowly started to set. The grass was a bit wet but I didn't mind as I sat down and put my hands to my side. (Y/N) sat next to me and then his hand went on top of mine. I felt my face heat up and blush. "Damn the stars and city look beautiful" (Y/N) stated. "Yeah, that's half the reason I come here" I replied with a smile. "However your more beautiful Susie" (Y/N) said looking at me with a flushed face. I blushed more and then looked down. "Th-thanks (N/N)" I said using his nickname. "Your welcome Su-su" He replied before leaning in for a kiss. I blushed and then leaned back as we kissed. I kissed him passionately and lovingly and he did the same making me feel absolute bliss and love.

It took 2 minutes but we finally pulled off both of us red faced. "Heh that was nice" I said brushing my hair out of my face a little. "Yeah. Thanks for bringing me here Susie" He said with his hand still on mine. "Heh ya welcome dork" I replied as we then looked back at the shining stars hand in hand. With his touch... I felt safe and generally in love. I felt completed.

Hey all The--1 here and I am just saying that uh yes for once I created the image of this and also saying thanks for the support. This book is getting closer to it's original glory and once again thanks for all the support. Have a lovely day.

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