Chapter 8 Another day

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(Y/N) POV:

I woke up from a dreamless sleep, lucky me. I found my dog; a white fluffy Pomeranian named Toby sitting down by the bed with his tongue out a little and his tail wagging. I petted him a bit and then smiled before getting out of bed and walking downstairs. I sat down and as I ate thought about some things... How Susie helped me back in the dark world, how she was being nice to me... how great she looked. I shook my head. "N-No, no we're just friends. That's probably all it's gonna be anyway considering my looks" I thought in my head as I started to eat.

Susie POV:

I sighed as I got up. I didn't get the greatest sleep but I guess between my shitty bed, the leaky roof, and some other problems with the house any sleep at night is pretty good. I walked downstairs and got myself some toast and settled with just eating that. I was starting to think of him again, (Y/N) I then instantly shook the thought from my head. "Not like anyone could like me anyway" I thought in my head dismissing the idea almost instantly. I finished eating and then walked upstairs to do my morning shit before leaving the house.

I walked down the streets and saw none other then.... Kris. "Sup Kris?" I asked them as we walked to school together. They just shrugged. "Heh, alright. And hey speak up a bit dude I hate quiet people" I replied as we walked into school. Kris shook their head. I opened the door and we both walked in. I took my seat next to (Y/N) and then the day started. "O-Okay everyone g-get with your group project partners and lets begin working again. A-And remember it's due M-Monday of n-next week" She reminded us. Today was Wednesday. We only had 4 days left to finish this. I got with (Y/N) and Kris and we started to work on our project.

"Hey guys do you think we can pull this off? I mean we gotta have a poster describing our topic, a speech, and an essay which we already started" (Y/N) said making me worry a bit. "Huh? Urrmm it'll be fine dude no worries" I brushed off. "Susie, you should probably come to my place to work on it, and you too Kris" (Y/N) said simply. "Ugh fine, only cuz I HAVE too" I replied. Kris shook their head. "What bullshit you gotta come too!" I protested. Kris shook their head. "Ohh right, Kris has his appointment today... they said something is up with them recently, some medical condition with their Soul"(Y/N) told me. Kris nodded. "Oh, uh sorry dude... hope it gets better" I simply replied.

They sighed and nodded. I looked down and then back at my work as I started to work on our speech for our assignment. Out of (Y/N) and Kris the two decided I'd be best for the job. Not likely but I did it anyway. I sighed as I was bored out of my fucking mind with all of this work and would much rather be back in the dark world with (Y/N) and Kris. "Then again if I left Alphys would probably get suspicious and call my dad" I thought in my head as I worked.

(Y/N) POV:

We had finished our essay, erm almost finished it before the bell rang. I got up and started walking home after a long day of work at school. I then heard some footsteps behind me. "Sup nerd? We going to your place?" Susie asked me. "Uh huh. Uh you can just follow me I guess" I replied simply. "Alright" Susie replied as she followed me. I walked to my house and then opened the door. "Ladies first" I said before instantly face palming in my head. "Arright" Susie chuckled before pushing me in. "H-Hey!" I complained. "Heh dork. Now come on let's work on this bullshit" Susie said before I took her to my room.

Susie took a quick look around and shrugged before we looked at the old poster board I had never used. "We can use this" I said taking it and then going downstairs to get some stuff. I came back a few seconds later. "Okay so Susie we're gonna be using paint, if you have anything that you don't want getting paint on take it off" I told her. Susie took off her jacket and I took off my (F/C) hoodie revealing a white shortsleeve shirt. "Uh Susie your hair might get paint on it you know" I warned her. "Oh, right" She said before taking a hair tie from her pocket. "You carry one of those around?" I asked not thinking she would. "Yeah, incase of like gym or something" Susie shrugged off as she tried to tie her hair back.

"Struggling Susie?" I asked her. "Shut up! I haven't exactly done this in a couple years dude" Susie said simply as she still tried. "Here let me help" I said as I took the hair tie and put her hair back. As I did the fringe from the front of her eyes moved giving me a clear view of them for the first time. They were a golden yellow color and looked gorgeous just like the rest of Susie. "Whoa Susie, your eyes" I said simply in awe. "W-What about em?" Susie asked. "They look very pretty" I said gazing into them. "E-Erm sh-shush up dork" She said simply. "B-Besides your (A/C) eyes look better anyway" She said. I felt my face heat up as I was blushing.

"I erm thanks Susie" I said smiling. "Heh alright now come on nerd enough compliments or whatever" Susie said shrugging it off. "Yeah uh your right" I said with a nervous chuckle before we started to paint the poster board. "So how was your day Susie?" I asked trying to make small talk. "Boring as hell... but I guess okay since I'm in a group with the two of ya" She replied. "Oh really?" I asked glad that Susie was kinda happy to be in a group with me and Kris. "Yeah, it's not boring like if I were with Noelle or like Berdly. Heh Berdly is a fucking prick" Susie said. "Yeah, he thinks he such a smart ass" I said before we both chuckled a bit and continued to work on our project.

Susie POV:

"(Y/N) is gonna be such a good friend of mine, he's got humor which is rare, he hates Berdly as everyone should and also likes me and seems happy with me around... then again I want to be a bit more then friends... n-no he wouldn't" I thought in my head as we worked. After roughly 2 hours we finally finished. "Finally done. So uh got time to stay and hang out then Susie?" (Y/N) asked me. "Huh? Oh yeah totally" I said with a grin as I put my hair back and pulled my jacket on. "Cool, wanna play smash bros or Halo?" he asked. "Damn you got a switch and Xbox? I only got an xbox one after doing my summer job" I said simply. "Also we can smash" I said with a chuckle before grabbing a controller.

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